in #life6 years ago

Hi Steemians, I hope you had a great weekend!

Today I would like to write about how often people relate to the reality of having to work and because for a large majority, at least in my home country of origin and a few others I have visited around the world people have a mentality and negative concept about work or about called workaholics.

I see many people on Sunday lamenting that on Monday they will have to work and on Friday they are in ecstasy saying: Thank God! I don't have to work tomorrow.

In my life experience I could see that this is the result of many factors but in this post I will concentrate on the ones that I identified as the main ones in my journey as a people coach.

Much of this negative view comes from a legacy that for thousands of years we carry in our genetic memory and is related to slave labor and of course this was taught from generation to generation and clearly the act of working was related to something negative.

I know that there are countries including in my some regions still exist slave labor as well as in many countries of the world where respect with people could be compared to the most perverse instincts that anyone can treat people.

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But I would like to mention why this feeling exists in people who work in cities like New York, São Paulo (with over 12 million inhabitants), I'm referring to people of all professions and occupations that have this feeling inside that working is slavery.

I have come to many conclusions and in these specific cases I go back to the paradigms.

When the industrial revolution began especially after the second world war the generation that worked a lot in the industries were employed with very heavy functions and many had no study to be engineers, doctors, professions that the same generation had the desire and ended up transferring that desire or imposition for the next generations.

If we look at what has happened is that parents who lived at the time of the industrial revolution educated the next generation with a voice recorder repeating the phrase: You need to go to college and study to be someone in life and be successful.

Here we see another paradigm.

We currently know that going to college, unless you want to be a doctor, engineer or something like for example if you go to work with something that can hurt people. Currently the education system is inefficient and doesn't guarantee the success of anyone, if we can say that one day guaranteed!

A young person of about 15 years of age hardly knows what he wants for his life but he will make a college just be graduated and often this will not result in anything to these people.

The result of all this is the frustration of people who are going to work in professions that they would not want to have and as a consequence the work is seen with the negative concept because obviously this person will be dissatisfied with their life, because they realize that the your true dreams are getting more and more distant. With this, people come to understand that they are not living but are surviving.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, I started working since I was 13 years old knowing very well what I wanted for my life but in some times I had to do tasks that I didn't like but I knew that these tasks would take me to the next step that would do me to get where I wanted to go in my life.

I was always seen by people as a person who only thought about working and didn't enjoy life but they didn't understand one thing: Work was never a punishment for me because I always did with pleasure my work and as a consequence for me my work always be my hobby.

I know this post will still have to have other chapters because I would have to write a book about it but I would like to share this message with you to reflect with a single goal.

Never give up on your dreams because working hard is important but you have to understand that if you don't like what you do think every day that you are doing this job but with the goal that it is only a period you are living to achieve the what do you want.


But do not forget! You should also plan what you want to achieve and have discipline for it. Read the previous post because it is completely interconnected to this.

Have a good week!




I have been a trial lawyer for 38 years and I go to work every day determined to make the system work for everyone and to make the world a better place. Somedays are hell but most of the time I enjoy the battle with all its twist and turns. Before you say that is different because my job is boring or physically demanding, allow me one other point. I was a plumber working construction for a year before going to law school. I loved every minute of it. Digging ditches, joining pipe, operating a back hoe and my favorite, the jack hammer. I would go home after a hard day exhausted but satisfied. In high school I was a produce clerk in a grocery store. My produce rack became the most profitable in the entire southern region of Texas because I took great pride in what I did. Before that I was pumping gas and working on engines in a gas station. Loved every minute of it. My secret? It was the people I worked with and pride in being the best. We would all get together after work and share stories about a million things. Our lives, nightmare customers, idiot bosses, gossip. We shared a bond forged in the work place. It is my observation that the miserable people are miserable no matter what. They think a different job, different wife, different president, different life would make them happy. Wrong. They have some kind of depressive disorder and are unhappy all the time no matter what. My advice is to avoid these people like the plague that they are. Chase your passion and be your best. Everything else should take care of itself.

A very big thank you, just what i needed to start a new week. Have a wonderful week.

Same to you, @adeolu. Glad I could help start your week off on a good footing.

Thank you!

You indeed have a positive spirit towards work and that is a good catalyst. You unconsciously never saw what yo are doing as work. That is a great tip.

Thank you friend!

Hi friend, this was one of the best reviews I could read here. Congratulations, you exactly understood the message I wanted to convey to everyone here.
I believe 100% in meritocracy and it's just you look at my blog to see how much important information I've gotten past for people to achieve their goals. Some people will put this into practice and others will just stick with the theory. Welcome to my blog where my objection is to see people like you getting 80 upvotes from this community that I'm trying to build here with positive Minsdet.

You have 100% my upvote!


Thanks, friend. After all, we are all in this together.


You're right, there are people who see everything negative, everything bad ... and they transmit that negativity ...

@chbartist sir !Government jobs of all the countries are scheduled to be privatized in the coming times. Of course, as much work as same like value. we need to change our thinking. No work is small or big. For those who are continuously doing their job honestly and hard-working, it does not matter whether or not to privatize jobs. Because such people get involved in their daily routine. The people who consider hard work as their religion, work like worship for them. That is why people say that work is worship . Conduct your duty with discipline and genuine passion and move a strong step towards your regards

Thank you, friend, for your contributions. His analyzes are always very constructive. Regards

Hi @chbartist, once again thank you for your post :) I think the problem is as you mentioned the education since people have to decide what they want to do in a very young age. I also wrote something about the problem with the current education and how you could change it. Another thing is that also the society has a part in this dilemma, parents, relatives or other people in one‘s personal life give not enough room to try different things. After doing 2 internships the society believes now you should know what you want. I believe this problem might change when we are adults and give our kids more room to try different fields because when you are passionate and like what you are doing, you can easily work on a Saturday and enjoy it.
Greetz M.

Work hard and be passionate about it.
Dream and try to achieve them otherwise one might feel like a slave and develop negative mindset towards work.
This is the inference I drew from this excellent post.

I tell this to my daughter every day, be passionate about what you do as it will help you live your life and not allow to life to dictate your needs. I was fortunate to learn before college what I wanted to do instead of what I was told to do. It made my career feel more fulfilling. However, I still work for money instead of making money work for me which is why I have become so passionate about the potential of Steem and its ecosystem. I am enjoying the community as it provides great perspectives and experiences in learning how to adjust ones journey (like your paradigms)!

This post has received a 25.00% upvote from @aiyanna!

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Very great post.Work is more important.Life is nothing without hardworking.Dreamz are also very important in our life.Your dreamz are big you achieve big.You working day and night.God gives you success.You are right you don't work for money.Life is too short.You spend good life.And enjoying alot.But money is our need.Thanks for sharing.

Nowadays it is very necessary to focus on the act of working on the things that one really wants to do in life, such as career, lifestyle, etc. There will be times when, as you say, we will have to do a job that we do not like but only to achieve what we want, and perhaps this is a detail that many people lack to be successful in their work, that there is no vision or reason strong enough to give the best of us in our work.

Exactly Juan!

I have dreams and I dream big, all I need is to make those dreams a reality, but I am finding it not easy, so every dream comes with a task, not day dreaming but working to bring them to pass.

Exactly, every day you should devote some time to fulfill your dream. No matter if 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours. As I have insisted I intend that this community reschedule the Mindset and I am sure that if we change our habits for the better every day everyone can hone their goals. Regards

Hi!. Today I was talking to a workmate about this subject, and yes, you must feel incredibly happy with what you are doing or performing, because otherwise you will feel as if you where dying slowly. What a good post!, thank you for sharing!.

Thank you friend! Great words

Friends, we should choose the work that we are happy to do in the work we find pleasure, only then can we succeed.

Hi @chbartist this post is truly related to most of the working-class people now a days. You rightly said that now a days peoples mindset is that they feel so good on Friday and on Monday they look like tired and not that much energetic towards the work as they should be. There is saying that "Work is worship" and I completely believe on this. I started working when at the age of 17 and I remember since the beginning whatever work I was supposed to complete and finish, I always did with full dedication and honesty. I dont mean that those who feel lazy on Monday are not hard working people but they have dual mindset towards work. Work is the necessity in life and this work could be in any form so we must work with full dedication and give our best to finish the tasks.
Sometimes I don't get tasks at my workplace and I feel bored sitting idle while if I have work then i feel more happy not at all feel bored.

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Weldone my friend , I like your behaviour on how to explain things , resteemed

Work is a bondage when you work something you do not like ... The jobs I've had, although it was not the career I liked ... they were very nice ... and I liked to go to work, it went well, it was not torture ... but in my last job ... I worked there for 12 years, and I liked it ... but the last 4 years if it was torture for me ... I did not feel I liked it, it made me eternal to be there from the morning to the time of departure, I longed for Fridays and hated Mondays ... and for the time of departure to come it was an eternity ... I really wanted to leave there ... I was stressed I did not feel comfortable and I even felt that I was deteriorating ...

Now, my job is steemit and I feel a peace and tranquility in my life ... and it's something that I like.

Work and hard work:

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
This Bible verse tells us that
we are living in a world that you have to work in order to live. Sad truth is that most people think that work is a punishment. Work should be taken as a reward.

Ecclesiastes 9:10a
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;

When given a job, excel to it.
Love your work and do your best, that's where promotion comes from.

"Hard work - a lot of it so that we might grow blisters on our hands but not on our attitudes". Copied

Hard work is the way to excel. Because they say "you should work your talk ".

Work is a gift not a curse.
Sad to say many people don't want to work but they want to eat. Some people hate to work but love to have money. These result to frauds and scams, robberies and other crimes. Yet, I say they work hard to cheat others.

A lesson I've learned from this post is that you should work hard to achieve your dreams.
There are certain tasks you think you shouldn't do it because you hate it; but you have to in order to understand the situation of other people .

Excellent perspective my friend.

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The so called schooling system which was initially designed to deliver education is no longer serving it's purpose but fill our youths with mentality of getting a job. I remembered when I was in the University, I never knew what l was doing until I did my 6 months internship train. I believe working hard is one thing, but when you derive pleasure in what you do and it's becomes an integral part of you, you don't even realize you are working hard until the people around you tell. Excellent exposition.

@chbartist! very very effective blog for me. I think we have to enjoy our job or task. And we have to do it from our heart and soul. We shouldn't be fraustrated with our position or anything else. So, for being a successful man we have to focus on our goal with discipline.

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You started work at the age of 13, it was against the law, at the age of 13 you were child and child labour is prohibited by the law in the world . If anyone is paid his/her due amount of money in due time he / she will be very eager to work with honesty and sincerity because without money none can live in the world. You are right about slavery, it is a matter of mind setting. thanks again for sharing your valuable experience with us.

Interconnected is a beautiful word.

This post has received a 20.00% upvote from @jmiller05!

Tomorrow is Monday here, (Stat Holiday today) Love the 3 day weekends, Looking forward to going to work in the welding industry tomorrow. My Grandfather always said, "Do what you love , and you'll never work a day"
and "Work is my Hobby"

Enjoyed your post.

Exactly, but many peoples don't understand this...Regards

Id like to know what is the welding project that you are working on in the photo ?
I'm curious to know, please and thank you.

My blog is about the welding industry and careers in it.
Are you a hobbyist?

My GF is often an inspiration to create hand made gifts for people rather than buying them


fire pit 3.jpg

This started as a piece of scrap from a job site 36" pipeline pipe

Here is an awesome fire pit we made for a wedding present from a scrap piece of 36" pipeline pipe



try Using what you do for work, to be creative and save money, by giving a unique gift to someone that they will love

I completely could relate to your thinking! Its simple do what you love and love what you do:)
keep up with such good content.

Yea, in my country, we see medical doctors who were supposed to be saving lives, being reluctant to get up from their offices to go and attend to dying patients. Someone once told me that its because they were forced to study what they are practicing, doing a job they dont like and have passion for.
Talking about those miserable people @clayrawlings who thinks a better job, wife, president, e.t.c will make them happy, i have read about an actor who started acting at the age of 56 and became popular the year he was supposed to be 60, if such man had been saying a better or another job will make him happy, will you call him "miserable no matter what"? He actually found his passion (better job) when most of us will consider it late.
So, what i am trying to say is that we can not really know for sure if that better wife, job, president, e.t.c those people have been hoping for will actually make them happy. And i guess chance and time usually wont make us to know for sure

I understand you but we have to try to find our happiness and for that we should always reflect if we are on the right path.

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We should always think positively about our work. If you don't like your work you should change it immediately.
We should do the work what we are interested in.
Thanks for sharing.

El trabajo deja de ser trabajo cuando amas lo que haces, creo que es asi cuando tu pasión por algo se vuelve productiva y lucrativa.. de allí al éxito indiscutiblemente..!!Me gusta mucho tu post.

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I have visited around the world people have a mentality and negative concept about work or about called workaholics. Well in my opinion work is still a a slavery especially in a country where it's hard to find a good job, well paid and with good terms and conditions, it can cause frustration and you feel it like a hell, you work all day just for pay the bills and you feel like a slave because you can not afford a life without your horrible job but your life now it's your job and so is it true a life? I think search the job that do not make us feel slaves must be a mission, not an easy one but something we must do fo our happines , as every mission is risky but in my opinion is risky too living like slaves so...

This post really inspire me to write blog as well this is very close to what I am experiencing right now.

This is well put. Most of my military days consists of days I don't like. Even when you get certain educations the schools allow you to come back and practice. I would have liked working another card dealer job without having to practice but I'm going to put in that work today to get where I need to be

I agree! We all should have a goal and to go for it, so one day our sacrifices will be paid off.

It depends the work and if it aligns with your personality, dreams cant last forever and time plays a role, it's easier to keep dreams alive in 20's than 40's, you aint living forever

Cierto que hay personas que ven el trabajo como una esclavitud y pienso que es porque no les agrada lo que hacen.
Recuerdo cuando de joven trabajaba de repartidor en un restaurante de comidas a domicilio, claro que era un trabajo según la edad...

Un trabajo temporal.

Cuando empecé a trabajar de comercial, sin sueldo, sólo ganaba las ventas que hacía, no me gustaba.

Ya que todos los días salía de mi casa a trabajar ocho horas y llegaba a mi casa sin ni una venta.... era estresante.

Pero con el tiempo empecé a trabajar de comercial en las compañías de telefonía móvil y fué cuando todo cambió a tal punto que hoy por hoy pienso TOTALMENTE LO CONTRARIO, nada mejor como un trabajo a comisión.

Si se hace bien se puede ganar hasta dos sueldos en el mismo tiempo que ganando uno solo.

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