I wanted to continue on this subject of paradigms, because many of the comments I've received on the previous chapters, have made me remember plenty of instances were I had to overcome them.
I was thinking back to about 15 years ago, I was having a conversation with a group of investor partners, I told them that I had no intentions of closing down my home office. I remember my comment fell like a bomb on the table, since they were much older, they had a lot of traditional concepts on their minds, so they had to ask me a ton of questions.
"What do you mean? That's not going to work, Where are you going to receive people? Everyone needs to work out of a corporate building! - The comments continued.

I told them: "Listen my friends, I worked all my life for the luxury of being able to work from my home. The technology exists today for this, and I have no intentions of attending traditional meetings. I can be present in many of them, using the internet, but if I needed to be present of course I would, and would probably use one of your offices"
I remember not being well received, even after my explanations, but I didn't care too much. I left the office and started to operate exclusively from home, I even started to build a recording studio there. I'm sure in the future I'll share on this blog some pictures of the studio.
I can say today that I felt free as a bird, I didn't have to wake up at a set time, to battle traffic on a city with 22 million people, among other things that just consumed my time, in other words, I became 100% owner of my time, and I believe it was a huge progress in my life.
Sometimes breaking those paradigms it's not only questioning traditions, but also being able to visualize your future.
As an analogy I can say that all that are today on the cryptocurrency markets, are breaking many paradigms. Can you see the importance of today, and what this will mean for our future?
I'm sure we will harvest the fruits of this work, just like I did in my story.
Not everyone can work from home, because for many it's counterintuitive and possibly not productive. Being able to work from home requires discipline, and not everyone develops it, so not everyone can confront the challenge.
I happen to know many people who become completely unproductive if they work from home, and they need to work on a traditional setting. They can't see that just because you are working from home, it doesn't mean that you have to change your work ethic, quite the opposite.
They can't simply set up a room inside their house as work desk, and treat their time there as work. Many think it's impossible, and don't establish the rules, they get interrupted by kids, dogs or even the spouse, and that's not professional.
In other words, some people confuse being owners of their time, with not having discipline, and if you don't have any, its very easy to procrastinate, and that is a risk you run.
But for those who understand the concept, and the message, continue on your journey, and if you make this decision stick to it, because you can visualize your future, and that is powerful.
Yes sir, I think home work will be suitable if you are the owner and you do it for you, This will save you time and it's also easy with the 4.0 technology.
For those who do recognize salaries, this is not appropriate with some people who are irresponsible with the job.
This is my opinion, and I apologize if people offended.
Don't worry. Why somebody offended? Your comment is very Great! Regards
Yes, thank you!
Dear sir!
Now the time has come when we can think of breaking the paradigms and setting up a new dimension.It is impossible to move on the path of development from the same ideology or perspective.Freedom in working out of traditions is felt, because at that time we do not have to follow anyone's orders.We are able to divide our time according to our work area.The structure of the upcoming future is in its own hands.
Regards sir. These things also apply to our steemit community. There has been a lot of change in the steemit community of today and 1 year ago, one of the reasons is that we are breaking the paradigm and giving birth to a new thinking.Perhaps this is what our @chbartist sir is trying to explain through their articles.To a large extent its effect has started to appear in the community.That day is not far when we will break into the paradigm and enter an independent world where there will be no room for Paradigms.There is no miracle, but an expression of positive thinking.
Hello friend, I am very impressed with your comments and I have been paying close attention to your reviews and you have my respect because you are extremely accurate in your words. I really do a lot of that. You know I write in a simple way so that the message can be understood by more people regardless of the social level they are. Sometimes I get attacked by writing in a simple way because people who criticize and say that my posts are bullshit excuse the term used but they do not understand that most people in the world need clear and direct information to apply in their lives. You understand that and I'm thankful for that. I see you write that I have spread this in the community. Why you say that? Where do you see this in your vision and analysis? I would like to know more about you and explain me better your vision about that. Regards
Dear sir!
I have been paying attention to some of your articles that people associated with the community are trying to increase other members morale by supporting upvote, instead of upvoting himself. Before it people we're trying to find upvote just writing your article is phenomenal, your article is beautiful ,you are writing so good etc.
Now since you have started the initiative to break the Paradigms, people are seriously reading this for you and have started to try to write better.
Although all of the thinking can not be the same, then the group members are trying to give better in community, so I said sir that the initiative of the community has started to change the community.
Due to some busy in personal life my comments are coming late. I apologize for it.
Thank you friend!
I actually think now there is a future in the services industry that will include businesses with very small office space in lieu of remote workers. I have also seen the trend of office space that has no assigned seating for workers as they no longer spend as much time in the office. Discipline is truly critical as we move forward especially as leaders look to manage these changes and how to apply metrics to gauge performance. As a person who has experienced both sides, I feel sometimes more like a slave working from home as I feel more of a responsibility to demonstrate my work while not present in the office. However, we are now always slaves given how technology always locates us no matter where we are through mobile technology!
I understand you and your analysis is excellent but we have to adapt to the changes in the world that are getting faster and faster. The most important friend is to reach our inner peace and our freedom. Regards
wao, I am late in your messages, you have published a lot in this time ... I will update you with your previous publications ...
In this specific topic, I must admit that for me it has been a challenge to work from my home ... and it is as you say ... for example my parents are worried because I am not working in a company. and there are people who regret that I am not working out anymore. I am happy, but really discipline is very important ... in my case I have 2 daughters. and the youngest does not understand these things, so there are days when I have a hard time publishing. For example, yesterday she was very restless and weepy because she had discomfort. and at the beginning of the week they had a virus, but the good thing is that I could be with them all the time, if I was in a company I would be worried about my daughters because I could not be with them in that situation.
Working from home has its advantages but really discipline is very important ... that is more necessary than when you are in a company working for someone else.
You have told almost everything. The important thing is that you are aware of the challenges of change and it is halfway to walking. But do not worry this will be natural because it is already a present reality. Stay focused on your dreams. Regards
I always get something from your posts dear. You have given us a platform where we all can interact each others and learn from different people's experiences.
I love working from home but my job profile doesn't allow me to do so. However, steemit has given me an opportunity to do so to some extent. I can work on steemit from home and earn Something while learning. It doesn't matter how much I earn, it matters how I perform here.
Exactly my dear friend, you can adapt in the best way for you and time is drawing things naturally. Do not worry, everything works out when we stay focused. But we have to rapidly increase this community of people by reprogramming the mindset. This is our objective. Regards
Doing different things will always be an answer to any problem. Because suddenly it is not that one is misusing some method to which we always resort, but we must think if that still works or if it is time to change the method and break our paradigms.
Friend, of course this is very personal but I've changed these paradigms for over 10 years, so do not waste a lot of time. Time flies too much! But of course I understand what you mean. Many things will change the way we are doing but the fundamental concepts should never change like honesty, honor, respect and many other values that are the most important in life. Regards
Hi, Thanks for continuing the chapter breaking paradigms, hope you are good @chbartist , If someone worked hard in life having dream of an office in house, and finally he fullfilled his dream and opened it in house then nothing is wrong. The question How to recieve people? it doesn't matter. The thing which matters is comfortable environment without any trouble. An office in home means a peaceful home. Have a good day @chbartist
I'm glad for help you and other! Success!
Up to date, society has not embraced the fact that people can own their time and make the best out of it. From my site, everyone needs to work in the traditional setting before they are regarded as useful people in the community. It is always good to know what is best for you so that you can give in your all towards it. Success awaits every man
Exactly friend! Great words!
Thanks @chbartist
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm looking forward rising to this Frontier of work. Being free and working at your own convenience. Just like you wrote on your post it really takes a lot of discipline to work from home because there is going to be a lot of distractions. But when you set rules and everyone at home understand Daddy is at work from this time to this time no disturbance unless on very important issues one can really get the work done from home. This is really a great paradigms shift from the norm. Best regards @chbartist
Hello friend, I'm glad because you understood 100% of the message I wanted to convey in the post. If you already understand that, go ahead because this is the true way to freedom for many people in the present and the future with absolute certainty. Regards
ja, ja, ja,... me movistes el piso. Te cuento que he sido docente por muchos años y me gusta el trabajo porque socializo y tengo contacto con las personas. Pero ahora que le he dedicado algo de tiempo a steemit y he estado trabajando en la casa reconozco que hacerlo me cuesta un poco porque me distraigo mucho. Así pues que leerte me ha enseñado que me falta disciplina.
El más difícil en hacer ese cambio, y realmente la disciplina hacer que las personas que viven con usted entiendan qué hora de trabajar es hora de trabajar. Es como si tuviera un empleo en una empresa y si usted no tiene disciplina será dispensada. Y así debes tener la perseverancia en cambiar lo que te estorba para poder tener progreso en tu trabajo. Saludos
Hello @chbartist,
Your article reminded me my days when I used to work for a Top Software MNC. There were two sets of people, some were supporting WFH and some opposing it. The teams with Managers allowing them to chose WFH were the happiest of all. I used to do WFH occasionally, so with my experience I can strongly say that the productivity will be very high WFH than working from office. You know why When I was WFH I had to ensure that I always be online so that my team mates, my managers, my clients etc doesn't feel that I am away and not productive cos of WFH....
WFH definitely increases Productivity
I have no doubt of that, my friend. In my technology company I got to have a team of 15 developers and in my concepts of breaking paradigms believe me. I have selected over these years for these disciplines and have been able to build this team and everyone has always worked in their homes. I have followed the growth of their children and built a family that way. I never cared what hours the developers worked. They knew what they had to do and deadlines and that was important to me. That was fantastic because it worked. This was very gratifying for me because I managed to break the paradigms and see everyone working happily. Regards
Yes, distractkon from spouse, i am not married yet but i could imagine someone who is working and his wife and kids keeps popping their heads through the door to his supposed office and ask for all sorts of requests and questions. Still i wonder how it will look like when business meetings will be held at the house and the kids will be seeing different faces coming and leaving the house
But when I refer to working from home it is necessary to have a minimal structure if the case is the one you are mentioning. Separating business environments from the home and in relation to wives or children I can assure you that this is just a matter of education. Regards
I'm fine, my friend, hope you're fine too. I'm very much pleased thinking that you're going to be social reformer, it's not a esay task. Hope you'll post this type of article more & more.
Thank you friend
I am new here and i have read some of your old posts ,you are really a great man. Now Come to this post, having success is a great Blessing.i agree, it's all about ability to handle things. Someone who thinks that he can handle the situation in office located in home then there should be no elegations. It's up to you how you why to do a deal, work from home is always a good thing.
You are very welcome. I would like you to read a few posts to understand the spirit we create here from community where there is only room for people who want to reprogram the mindset and always with positivism above all else. We want to see people grow and learn clearly so they can apply in any area of life. If you are one of these people. Let's go together on this journey.
A shift in paradagm! I also just made a shift in religious paradigms so with respect to this i must say 'shifting' is a really difficult step to take. WFH is a dream i hope to fulfil but currently my nature of work does require that i wake up early for work. WFH from my PoV is subjective. Just like you said in your post:
It builds some people and destroys others
Exactly, that's what I said clearly in the post and you understand. But I have conviction that people should prepare for this because the future will force people to it naturally. This post is very interesting because the debate is extremely pleasant. I will have to explain better about WFH in other posts with more explanations and I am sure that I can give tips that can change much the way that people can perform more organized with many important aspects to this adaptation. Regards
I struggled with this concept myself before being able to put it into practice. There are shortcomings, however, in working from home. As you said, it is easy to have distractions but most importantly you add weight unnecessarily. The solution to this, however, is to increase the amount of time you spend exercising.
Exactly dear friend! You summed it up with a few words. This means that you are already on the right track for anyone who has the this profile to take off working from home. Regards
When we decide to pursue our passion and everyone else is against our decision we need to maintain our spirit our rush and succeed prepare our self for the worst first so that you can deal with everything. It's your time to prove yourself your dreams your capabilities.
Exactly! Thank you for comment!
Dear Chbartist,
I am happy with this particular post because i love jobs that require a lot of flexibility.
Thanks for this post.
Thank you!
Yes, Sir, I fully agree with you that we can do any work from our home, we do not have to go out for this because no work is short
When a big and important decision is taken, the obstacles in the way come only on the way, but we should continue to be fearless and only then we can succeed
people always like to think the future will always be better like things always progress
Exactly friend! Regards
Amazing! Thank YOU!!
If this the future picture.... I am so excited for this...
Posted using Partiko Android
Great post
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Awesome post
You have important points here. I think working from home gives you more freedom and you can use your time productively by doing more task at the same time.
me gusta esa foto futurista!!
That is why he found it useful to pay special attention to this aspect in your writing and in a way to delve a little about the fundamentals of the social psychological scheme of the human being with respect to the limitation of paradigms. We could say in principle that paradigms are the set of power limitations that are established between individuals and social groups, a relationship that in principle is coercive, being eventually agreed (legalized by society) and that they express it, as dominant positions and dominated social positions, whose practice will always be conflictive (case expressed in the writing). In this context, the paradigm is the result of the interaction between social inequality and domination, defined in terms of sociological reality, expressed in turn in a structure of process and results; In practice, the relationship of domination is presented as benevolent and in which expresses the degree of development of power relations in each particular case.
However, our condition of evolutionary beings does not allow us to stagnate and we will always resist the exercise of domination (limiting) changes, to do things differently, the practice of socializing new ideas to conceive the exercise of defined work in terms of intervention in decision making, constitution of new management levels and exclusion of groups; or ideology understood as the set of permanent beliefs, representations and attitudes that constitute legitimizing instances of psychological-social structures of groups and domination. To finish as in science nothing is taken for granted, everything is built. Of equal, the human being does not have limit, only the one that the same one is imposed.@chbartist The circumstance of the world we live in forces us experts and profane to meddle in an aspect as fundamental and determinant as our lives, to determine how is the understanding of the human being as a regulating element of the action of living: paradigm is not more than that, something to break, change. This affirmation is especially noticeable in our societies of regulation and social control, but they "FALL" But also of undoubted interest for human behavior. Therefore considered that a challenge practice that gives us accessibility to change and our evolutionary progress is acceptable by the vast majority. Deserved attention concerns me towards people who seek the challenge and defend their positive ideas breaking paradigms (barriers) for their own wellbeing and thereby projecting benefit to society.
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