Breaking Paradigms, a Difficult Yet Fundamental Task to Grow - Chapter 2 - Possibly The Most Important One to Have The Right Mindset...

in #life6 years ago
Hello Steemians, continuing the sequence of posts I've been sharing on braking paradigms, I wanted to talk more about the ones that truly hurt our growth, because I can assure you all of these old sayings are at least 100 years old, if not more.

1.- Free yourself from them as fast as you can, reprogram your mindset.

2.- There are no old paradigms that help, they are barriers for our life - @chbartist

On this blog I'm going to talk about one that is in reference to money.

We all have heard that money and wealth are for those without character.

Here are other things we've heard

  1. Rich people achieve things because they step on others people heads.
  2. Money is the illness of the world
  3. Why money, if you can die tomorrow?
  4. What's important is health, not money
  5. Rich people are not good people

I think I could list many more phrases we've all heard since we were very young, and they have shaped the way we perceive money, and how we see people who have had success in life.

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But let's break this down:

This happens because when we see the scandals, the corruption, or something that the media does is to focus on that message. All of the sudden the message becomes all rich people are dishonest and that is why they are rich.

I can guarantee you this is not the case at all.

Along my life I've met many people with money, and I can tell you that the majority have built their fortune through hard work, not with dishonesty, but they get to pay for the fame of the ones that act bad.

I also happen to know many people with money that are very altruistic, they donate to many important causes, but that never makes the news, because that does not sell papers. Even myself, I've donated a lot of money over the years to friends and humanitarian causes, but there is no point in me listing them all.

One of the things I enjoyed doing was to pay for someone else's supermarket, seeing people who needed to get groceries for their family, and even offering to add more things to their cart. But, of course, would those actions ever make the news? Of course not.

In other words, that type of thing would never be picked up by the media and that is just how the world works, and I can tell you many wealthy people do even more, but they go around promoting themselves.

When it comes to money, you pretty much have to know how much is important to you, and how much you need to get to where you want to be.

I know people who believe they need a Ferrari in their garage to be happy. I also know people who need to show off what they have in order to feel accomplished. I've even met people who would constantly swap cars to try to cause jealousy among their neighbors, and mind you, they don't even like each other. That makes absolutely no sense to me.

But I also know a group of people who have a very simple life by comparison. I like to live my life in that way, in other words, I know how much I need to live, and those who know me, know that I live in a simple way by comparison. I don't buy what I don't need. The money I make is much more than I need to live, and I consider it to be a bonus for a life well lived, all those times when I put in 16 hour days finally paid off. As they say, money doesn't come easy and I also started from zero and know how to value my time.

Going back to paradigms, let's try a little exercise so that you can understand well what I'm trying to say regarding changing your mindset, then we can revisit some of the things I've been talking about.

  1. Rich people achieve things because they step on others people heads.
    I already explained how this works, it's basically the media selling the negative ideas, and generalizing is not healthy or fair.

  2. Money is the illness of the world
    This could possibly be true, but is it practical to think like this when money makes part of our life at all times?

  3. Why money, if you can die tomorrow?
    This is one of the most mediocre thoughts that I can hear someone adopt, and because that is how murphy's law works, sometimes these type of people are the ones that live the most. Of course, without money until they are 100 years old.

  4. What's important is health, not money
    I can agree with this one 100% but we are all going to get old, and in a country like mine, imagine getting old or having a terrible disease and not having the means to pay for it. Then we will see the importance of money. It's important to have both things, healthy and money so that you can keep your health, have access to even improve it.

  5. Rich people are not good people
    You will never make any money if you think like this, your mindset is literally working against you. If you hate people that are successful, then you will never want to be part of the group that is hated.
    "You will never want to become, those who you hate"

  6. Money corrupts people
    This one is possibly the most important one you must delete from your mind, reprogram your mindset completely.

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Let me tell you what I've learned along my journey, dealing with thousands of people.

"Money does not corrupt or change people, it simply magnifies that which they were to begin with"

What I'm trying to say is very simple: A person that was raised with good ethics, someone who is honest and fair, he will remain so poor or rich, but when he has money he will have the ability to do more good, and they are possibly those who I was referring to, sharing their wealth with others on my previous examples. If you are poor, but have the right character, work hard to accumulate your wealth, because that is not going to change you, the opposite, it's going to help you be more generous.

On the other hand, people who are dishonest, if they make money, What happens? Money once again magnifies that which they were, they simply become more greedy and more insufferable.
As it were, this is a paradigm you must break in your life, but to end I'm going to leave you with a phrase that I always keep in my mind at all times:

"Money simply allows us to buy comfort, and something even more important; good times"

And for me this, the good times, a dinner, a trip, a fun get together with people that I care about, is wealth, accumulating good memories.

But let's not forget, to this we have to add what I've been talking about over and over; having the right people to share your life with. I've said that many times.

I want my friends to do well financially too so they can achieve all their goals in life and be independent, you know why?

"What good does it do to be drinking coconut water in the Bahamas by myself?"

I think this about sums it all up....

A big hug to all of you Steemians



Dear sir!
The price of money is known by that person who has earned money by starting a zero and struggling hard with life and circumstances.Everybody can fulfill the hobby with money, but respect and honor, it can not be bought.Honestly earned money gives peace to your brain till life.It is better to be jealous of any successful person than we ourselves have to work hard to stand in front of that person.Too much of necessity is always harmful to anything. Rupee is an exception to this.Money is not needed for constructing a character. There is a saying that there is a loss of money if nothing happens but if the character is lost then everything goes away.In the affair of earning wealth, we are constantly losing the moral values.

Great points my dear friend! Thank you and success!

Excellent post as usual @chbartist
I agree it depends on a person ‘s character how money would impact their lives. I have personally seen some people are completely changed, in a negative way when they have aquired the money and I felt disappointed.
You have excellently highlighted that good deeds never make the papers. People who donate or help most often do this anonymously, and this implies their great character.
Happiness is the most important thing in this world and I think it is mostly unrelated to money.

There are different point of views my friend but money is related to happiness a person whose daily needs are fulfilled can be happy he can enjoy but if person is unable to afford his meal he will be tensed and his smile can be seen when has a full stomach and for basic needs we need money indirectly or directly in some way it's related think once 😊

I do agree there are different view points. How many rich people we see in this world who are depressed for no specific reason and suicide rates are high as well in affluent population.
It’s just my view point.

It's right too 😊depends on the person and situation we can't generalize anything.

Ofcourse we cannot generalise anything.
It is all contextual

Exactly my friend, you have captured the message but the important thing is not to have this paradigm within you! Success

Money is an asset we can help people with it we can do many good works and bad works as well it means that money doesn't effect any thing but our mindset do those people who want to do good things will use it in that way and I personally know what financial independence is I want to live a simple life and for that I need financial independence I struggled slot to find a way to do it and landed on steemit many people use steemit to build up their writing career but some have their hopes too

Nothing is bad,bad is how we use it @lovepreet2511

I'm very glad with your words friend. Keep growing in your life.


Money matters in a person's life. But there is a saying that a person with a lot of money goes crazy and even more money goes crazy. So earn money so much that make your life easier.

These words were really interesting - Regards

This is always a sensitive subject for me as I have been on both side. I like to say that money is something you want when you don’t have it but hate to have when you do have it. Friendships and family interactions change when you go along this spectrum which has been sad for me to experience as my trust in relationships has diminished due to this. Don’t we all know a person that would only call when something is needed and not just to say hi? This is unfortunate and another burden of money. So while I agree with what you say about money being their for “comfort and good times,” it can also be attributed to dishonesties and deception.

I understand what you mean friend but this is because these people still have a lot to grow in their mentalities and are often hypocrites. The important thing is that you do not care about it and be happy.

I know a few people who are not against money, they know they need money to live and go where they need to go BUT they depend on the universe to provide. With that said they run their own businesses to create an income but they do not stress or get caught up if it is not raking in money. As long as their needs are met they are content. They do open their minds to the possibility of making lots of money just they do not stress when it is not there. It is a mutual trust between their work efforts and trusting the universe, to provide. These people admit they mess up now and then, spend where they out not to and then realize when things are not going right it makes them reflect. They are giving and loving. If their business takes off and they make lots of money they are not against that. They do not judge anyone regardless of having lots or not. Some may consider this a cop out but they believe it is about learning, peace, love, giving etc. Not sure where I am. I am working on a few things to make money because I would love to buy the things I need and have so I can help others. I agree blocks can stop us sometimes without even knowing. Scared of spending on some things, making a certain decision for fear of being broke, etc. We as an individual needs to be open to evaluating our reasons, and learn to release and move forward. I know I sure do not have an issue with have lots of money :-) Thanks @chbartist

Thank you my friend your words were very well placed within the context I wrote. I think it's great that you enjoy making money;) - Regards

Hey @chbartist all the points are right and I strongly agree with one of the point which is about health. Money is required for survival but health is more important than money. What's the point having money when we are not healthy. So we must care for our health more. Have a great day friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Agree friend! Have a good day!

Hi @chbartist , hope you are good. I have seen many people who have enough money to live a happy life and they waste money without care. They don't care about others. They are just living a life with fun. They only love money not to human. I saw people changing when they are rich. They changed their mind.i found a lot of difference in their attitude being rich or poor.
It's up to you that how you react with money.

Thank you for your assistance, i really appreciate your concern with the community
Have a good day @chbartist

Hi friend, thank you for your great words!

In other words human desire is endless....It is rare to find people who are truly dedicated in achieving ones goal without stepping on others ( crab mentality)... If you notice, society has changed....people focus more on material things - setting aside values, compassion and empathy.

I understand what you mean and I agree with your words but that is precisely why even though I know of these changes in the world I will continue to try to bring together as many people of good intention in a community, network and those around me.

Sometimes I think of how money can become the root of all evil. Mostly I use to think that ones you have a handful of money you get to feel mightier and even have a perception that you're on top of the world. Money is power and right until now I've learnt that it is what u start with that money amplifies. Start as a good man and money will make you more good and vice versa.

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly friend! Regards

In this world money matter alot. Most of people are addicted to it. Mony can do everything for them.

Rich people don't work for money, but money works for them.

You really write such a great article about money
Thanks for your time.

Exactly @asks - Regards!

A great motivational post my friend. Money is not God but it is not lesser than God. I have witnessed myself that nobody cares for a person if he is not having money. If you don't have money, your life becomes hell. It it not possible to live a dignified life without money. So money is not unimportant. However, it should not be the ultimate purpose of life. Excess of everything is bad.

Agree @akdx - Regards Friend!

In history time money make for makes life transactions. And money value is less then human value.... but grasully time change money is the most important. And higher value now days..
Kahte ha na....jiske pass paisa ha log khate ha Bahi kasa ha.....

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with that point. Regards

Old thoughts are right at that time at the time the rich peoples are the part of rulers who ruled the world and most of them are not good with poor peoples so these thoughts are created. But talking about these thoughts at this time is not that much yes it true in some countries like North Korea, but it not true for all rich people. We all want to become rich so think about it before saying that rich people are bad

Exactly @sumit1998, great words!

"all rich people are dishonest and that is why they are rich."
Of course there are always exceptions. I completely agree with you that we will all grow old someday and we will need money to maintain our health then and that money had to be made mow that we are still vibrant

Thanks friend for your time!

The poor hates the rich but very interestingly every poor man wants to be rich, money is the second to God, money can buy anything, you're very positive in your writing, everyone should try their best for earning money as much as they can in right way to lead a good life and make other People happy by supporting them.

Excellent words friend but only a correction. Money can not buy everything. He can not buy the most important thing we can have and you know what it is? Our inner peace - Regards

You're right but I wanted to mean visible things. Thanks.

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I love everything you wrote ... Everything is very true ... Here they always say that money changes people ...

We are normal people ... that is, we are not rich or live with rich ... I grew up in a neighborhood and my parents gave me studies and thank God I graduated and worked to achieve many things that you dream. My boyfriend graduated, we worked to buy an apartment and then get married, thank God we made it, then we were able to buy a car, and so on, little by little and with a lot of effort. My husband got a job where he was paid very well, and for us it was very satisfying to help other people.

Where I worked, I was in an important department, and there I met all kinds of people ... The humble and good-hearted people, the people with good position and good heart, but I also met people of good position but bad. They always waited for the opportunity to humiliate people and feel more than others ... and my colleagues told me that money changed them ... and I always told them: Money does not change anyone, it just brings up its true personality ... I've always thought that ... exactly as you express in this publication ... money does not change anyone ... simply, what you really are flourishes ... There I met noble people, but many proud people and bad.

In short, money is not bad ... and as the Bible says in 1 TIMOTHY 6:10:

because the love of money is the root of all evils! There are those who have left their faith to run after riches and have caused themselves a lot of suffering.

That does not mean that money is bad, but the love of money, that is, that for you the most important thing is money, more than your life, rather than helping your neighbor, rather than reaching out to the fallen. If we put money first in life ... there if I say, it's wrong. But money is not bad, much less want to have a lot of money or be rich ... How much I would like to travel as before and be able to help as before ... money can solve many needs and help many who really need it to be able to have peace of mind in any situation.

wao, I think I extended a lot ... Excuse me, hahaha

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when I was younger, I have a "live each day" mindset. not minding what lies tomorrow, no plans of saving so much for the future, etc. for who knows there will be tomorrow yeah? but that leads me to change my mindset in life I then realized. and this post of yours @chbartist inspires me more to look beyond what else to do in life. thanks so much for this great post!

well said, @chbartist! it never too late to do a paradigm shift to have a better future ahead! thanks for an inspiring post!

i feel accomplished for what i have right now. but this is great. looking forward to your next project :)

Hello sir Follow me back i follow you

Money is not the root of all evil but the "LOVE for money". If we have a lot of money then it's good that we share what we have... the joy of giving is irreplaceable.

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Health is more important than money.

Follow me please

Another fallacy is money does not grow on trees.

Posted using Partiko Android

Muchas personas trabajan sin cesar pensando que cuanto más dinero ganen, más feliz serán… pero se les pasa la vida ganando dinero o teniendo cosas materiales y dejando la felicidad a un lado. Porque no es más rico quien más tiene, si no el que menos necesita. En realidad, no importa el dinero que ganes, si no en cómo lo gastas.......todos buscamos la libertad financiera

Give the money to the right people, rather than friends, that way we won't need a vacation from real life.

Awesome post

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Thank you for your time! But I think that you didn't understood what I mean. I respect your opinion but I don't agree with you but no problem, that's just a point of view. Life goes on ... Regards

Friend, there is a popular saying in my country that is: Do not measure me by your rule! If you felt offended and because you interpret everything as an attack on your person. Here in this blog if you pay attention I do not attack anyone. If disagreeing with you is understood as with mocking you or being ironic I am very sorry. I would not even have replied to you if that was my intention. I don't waste my time attacking people. I invest my time in people and this is what you seem to have not yet understood. I really wish all the best for you. Regards

You really want to create a distortion about what is written. You say you're not my friend? That's great because I get that way. Your treatment is disrespectful and distorted and I do not want it inside my blog. Be a good friend, but please look for your yard and do not come to contaminate mine with your hatred. Here is a place for positive people. You do not have to tell me you do not want my upvote. Did not you notice I did not give you upvote? I honestly will not spend my keyboard with you anymore. Be happy

You blame the victim that pays for upvotes.
The perpetrators are the preminers that really farm the place and the developers, with the main perpetrator being Dan Larrimer, whom as far as I know may be freedom himself.
ned is guilty too.
For user your size to refrain from paying for votes is stupid.
Due to people like you forfeiting this opportunity, automated bots such as mojo4you are so profitable.
I profited myself, but worked too hard for it, so hard that I do not consider it as a profit.
I do it mainly to reduce profitability of spammers and abusers.
If you bought votes, it would have made my life easier, and your experience more profitable and maybe more interesting.

Surely my friends and you are not part of them as you already made clear. Be happy with yours.