When Sex is Easy to get Love is Hard to Find

in #life7 years ago


"When sex is easy to get, love is hard to find." - a phenomenon or just people's opinion?

Have you experience going for a bar to drink, wake up in the morning with someone naked next to you on the bed?

Have you experience planning to go to party gat drunk and someone take you home?

To meet someone from a dating site, eat dinner with beer and enter a hotel or on his rooms afterward?

Have you try meeting someone attractive that you've been chatting with messenger for just less than a month, treat you for a snack and a movie then slowly arouse you and you try to did it?

Have you invited your crush for a drink and let him take you to bed to have sex?

Have you ever talk with a friend or maybe dare him to try and have sex with you?

Have you shown signs to someone that you want to have sex with him or her?

Have you ever let someone to have sex with you since your attractive to him or her?

Have you ever used sex to keep someone be with you or to keep him in your relationship?

Have you tried being hitch with your co-worker and decided to give a shot if you'll click by having sex?

Are you want of those person who is just having sex with every person who want to have sex with you?

If you don't do any of this things then try to look for someone the same with you.