Hola a todos en la comunidad de Hive espero estén todos bien 💕 ,en el día fue un poco movido, ya que desde hace varios días me estaba sintiendo un poco mal, con tos y malestar de cuerpo.
Entonces en el día de hoy con mi mamá y mi hermano decidimos ir al médico ya que con el problema del covid-19 tenemos que tomar medidas porque por lo menos ahorita donde yo vivo está un poco duro con la cosa del covid-19, y mi hermano también se ha sentido un poco mal.

A la 01:00pm teníamos que asistir a la consulta en la Policlínica, ya que mi mamá es enfermera y una doctora le iba hacer el favor de atendernos.
Llegamos como a la 01:20pm un poco tarde, pero menos mal la doctora no había llegado aún porque estaba haciendo unas diligencias. Aqui una fotito esperando.

Después de un rato que nos atendió resulta ser que por la sintomatología puede ser que sea un covid-19 sospechoso sí que con el debido protocolo nos mando reposo y una serie de medicamentos.

Después de que llegamos a la casa, al rato salimos porque teníamos que salir a buscar unos medicamentos en el CDI y en el centro, claro está que salimos porque si no íbamos al CDI no no los iban a entregar.

Y con eso fue todo, si Dios quiere y la virgen vamos a mejorar y la recomendación que les puedo hacer es que se cuiden mucho, el covid-19 no es juego y esta dando muy fuerte. Besos y abrazos a todos 💕 Dios los bendiga
Hello to everyone in the Hive community I hope you are all well 💕 ,in the day was a little bumpy, because for several days I was feeling a little bad, with cough and body discomfort.
Then today with my mom and my brother we decided to go to the doctor since with the covid-19 problem we have to take measures because at least right now where I live it is a little hard with the covid-19 thing, and my brother has also been feeling a little bad.

At 01:00 pm we had to go to the Polyclinic for a consultation, since my mother is a nurse and a doctor was going to do her the favor of attending us.
We arrived at 01:20pm a little late, but thank goodness the doctor had not arrived yet because she was running some errands. Here is a little picture of her waiting.

After a while she attended us, it turns out that due to the symptoms it could be a suspicious covid-19, so with the proper protocol she ordered us to rest and a series of medications.

After we arrived at the house, after a while we went out because we had to go to the CDI and to the center to get some medicines, of course we went out because if we did not go to the CDI they were not going to deliver them. We arrived at the house and everything was fine, thank God we were able to get all the medicines.

And that was all, God willing and the Virgin we are going to get better and the recommendation I can make is to take care of yourselves very much, the covid-19 is not a game and is giving very strong. Kisses and hugs to all 💕 God bless you all.

Gracias por pasarse a mi perfil. Un abrazo. 🤗💕
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Thank you for stopping by my profile. I appreciate it. 🤗💕