Hey thanks for the list of coins, a few of those I am not familiar with and your investment strategy / priorities align nicely with mine so this is a great resource as I continue to dive deeper into the crypto-pond. I would have resteemed just for that, but...
Oh, not to forget that I'm actually also in the works of planning out a live music ecosystem on the blockchain.
except the human voice out (if someone is singing at the same time as instruments are playing these tools try to cut out the instruments) and also to focus on only one sound source at a time (when multiple musicians are playing at once these tools don't know who to "focus" on, while in fact we would desire them to play everything at once - totally opposite from the goals of a conversation). We haven't found the tool yet that makes it easy for multiple musicians to play and hear each other live when not in the same place. Anyway - very excited to hear you are thinking about live music on blockchain!
You threw that in as an aside? Geez man don't bury the lead! Okay maybe I am showing my bias here, I am sure many/most readers would think the rest of the article is the lead and this is appropriately buried as an addendum. But gadzooks man! This is great news for me to hear. Is @buckydurddle on your radar? He has been brainstorming with me and some other Steem musicians on how to accomplish exactly this here on Steem. I know his dream has been to figure out a way to accomplish live musical collaboration - currently he has been working on a ton of Steem musical collaborations but we haven't figured out how to jump the "live" barrier when most of the traditional tools that might facilitate this (Skype, Google Hangout, etc.) are all algorithmically determined to filter everything
Much love and happy new year - Carl
The music thing, still looking at it, just too complex. Going for something like viberate, but wanna tie up event crowdfunding, show-my-profits, sponsorship decks etc. Gotta start with a simple pivot first before going for an ecosystem..
Oh some Steem application for music, haven't thought about it yet, although as someone who DJs, I'd like if I can get paid to play live on the decks with someone else across the globe on steem xD
Oh cool that sounds awesome. Hey I didn't know you DJed :) You ever post that side of yourself here?