As of yesterday, I am officially off the major social networks. I permanently deleted my facebook account about 10 months ago, and yesterday said goodbye to twitter and instagram.
Is there really anything of value on these platforms? Especially twitter. It's just full of the drama for the days news. You get sucked into the people who are completely naive and willfully ignorant. I usually check my twitter when I first get up in the morning, and I have to say, it was weird not having it. Social media and all the drama is definitely addicting and I'm glad I pulled the plug.
This is now my only platform, and I love it so far. The people I follow are smart and think different, as well as their followers who comment. I have no idea how to do anything with the steem currency, nor do I know how to put up a profile picture, but I really like this platform.
Happy 2018
Happy 2018,
Though I see most social media use as a dangerous addiction to trivial nonsense.. at least here I think many people are trying to create a truly valuable community, not just clickbait.
And, eh, fck facebook, naturally..