It's funny because I remember a couple months ago, stopping by your posts and seeing some serious connection between yourself and others. I just dropped by to your post before about Steemit being flawed and saw the comment string by @nonameslefttouse.
He said something very interesting: 'If you act plastic, you'll attract plastic'. When you look through some of the comments here, it's pretty apparent where it's at nowadays.
You are saying 'you're already rich' but in itself that saying is super flawed in my opinion. Why are we rich? Is it because we have a network of genuine people all around us that support us regardless of what we are worth? Is it because we have 'X' amount of a share and it will rise? There is no explanation to why we are already rich here, and because of that it just sounds as though there is a focus on the monetary aspect of being rich. Maybe I'm way off but...
If your sole goal is to generate all this money and make yourself rich, it's a complete waste of time in my eyes. Having a lack of genuine connection is pretty depressing; it'll eat you up if you let it.
To me it seems like you didn't read or understand the article.
Firstly you ask why we are rich. I think I make my point quite clear in the article and won't repeat myself.
Secondly, I don't understand where you get "generate all this money and make yourself rich" stuff from? Really man, I don't think you have read the article. My point is people go around whining that they don't have X or Y, while they spend hours upon hours engaging in fruitless activities. I use money as an example in this article, but it could be any other resource you could imagine. What is "rich" to you? Relationships? Quality time with your dog?
I don't know man, feels like you read the title and just spitted some words out on the screen.
It was more of a synoptical view across a few of your posts and that's why I stated the other one too.
I understand this post, it's about not wasting your time watching TV and maximising how productive you are. In a certain sense anyway. I read the article I just questioned your beliefs and where you are at right now without really stating it directly.
That's my bad, I should have said that I had read 3 of your recent posts and I was making that type of comment.
Edited in: Where does it state in the article, why we are already rich?
Yeah well I still don't understand where you got the rich thing from?
Where have I ever stated I that money is my prime objective? It's quite a weak incentive in my opinion, because I agree with you in that sense that it is then a complete waste of time, take a normal job and you'll likely earn more money.
Well I'm not here to argue, you are right to think and have any opinion you want. Still don't thoroughly understand you but I respect you nonetheless for voicing your honest thoughts. I see you around my friend, and if you really want to understand where I'm coming from just read an older article or watch a video, then you understand you got it all on the backfoot. Best wishes.