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RE: Right Now Are We Living In The Happiest Time Of Our Lives?

in #life8 years ago

Yeah I think that we as human beings need something to be challenged by. We might not realize it at the time but money won't necessarily bring happiness. I like Jim Carey's quote on the subject when he says "I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer"


As noted country singer Chris Janson says, "Money can't buy happiness, maybe so, but it can buy me a boat"

Yes that's a great quote. I think it's like when you are a kid and there is something really big you want for Christmas. Your excitement is really great just up to Christmas and when you finally get it but soon afterwards you realise it wasn't as great as you thought it was and the idea of it was greater than the actual toy. Being rich is kind of like that except you really lose out on the anticipation part and just cut straight to the disillusionment. That's why you can see some wealthy people dedicate there lives to philanthropy - it gives them true pleasure and they can experience the joys of life through other's eyes.