Industrializing China’s Pollution Problem and the Future Consequences

in #life8 years ago

Many are aware of China’s massive pollution problem as it often leads the headlines on news broadcasts in the west. Admittedly it is getting better with time as the government has been pressured by the UN to address the issue, but China still holds 2 cities in the top 10 polluted cities and a large amount in the top 100. However, I have a bit of sympathy towards China when it comes to pollution because for the most part it is a cycle that almost every industrializing country goes through and the west seems to have forgotten that. It is easy to pick out China because what they are doing is hurting the environment, but almost every western country had the luxury of developing when the world wasn’t so concerned about the environment.

Have we been so quick to forget the London smog during the industrial revolution and even the Los Angeles pollution problem that took place in the 70s? There are stepping stones to developing countries and industrializing them is one of the first. Initially when this is happening most of the money earned through tax dollars goes to the booming economy and helps foster growth so they can eventually address other issues later on. The problem with China is that they are such a massive country with an enormous population that even an average amount of pollution for them still has a deadly impact on the environment.

Studies show that in China that 1/1000 Chinese people die from causes related to pollution. The figure has improved but im sure it hasn’t improved to where it needs to be. China leads the world in one industry that unfortunately only adds to the pollution, coal mining. Most Chinese citizens in rural places still burn coal fires even with the government banning it. With not much oversight and other options being too expensive for rural farmers earning almost nothing a day, coal is really the only solution, to the point where North Korea even smuggles it in and sells it to the Chinese.

During the industrial revolution in Britain the same thing took place and it caused the streets to resemble that of modern day Beijing. However, as time went by and their economy modernized, they moved past this. I have no doubt that China will as well, it will just take time. Like I said before because of their massive size, the amount of pollution is just unbearable. However I can guarantee that even after China addresses the problem and cuts down pollution it will only be a matter of time before it happens in another nation.

We see this currently with India and countries in the Middle East. Inevitably they will industrialize like China has and will face the same problems in the future if we don’t take action. Pollution in one country is far past the point where we can just say it is their problem. With global warming and CO2 emissions reaching all-time highs, we as a world have to contribute and advise future industrializing powers by taking a more direct role. Although there are some organizations that do this, in my opinion, the UN has to take a more direct role by having countries who take part give an amount of money each year to combat the problem. With that money, the UN can send advisors and take direct action to stopping these problems before we get past the point of no return, which many believe we already could be.

This is a race to the bottom and in the long run if we sit by and do nothing we will all be affected. I don’t want my future children to live in a world that has been devastated when it could have all been avoided. We are far past the point of just making recommendations, we need to make demands. Focusing on industrializing economies is great for the world but we must do it in a way that is environmentally friendly or else it will all be for nothing. What is another trillion dollars of GDP if the world we live in has been destroyed by our own hand. China is just the start and in the future we are going to see more countries go through the same stages so we are better dealing with the problem now. The best time to deal with pollution was 20 years ago and the second best time is now.



Great article and information. Thank you for the sharing, you sure get my upvote. Namaste :)

Interesting post, very good information, it is incredible that this happens, and there is no organization that can stop these. Is the reasoning of a naive. They do very well because they do not.
Congratulations on another great post

China is an incredible country but by a LONG way the most polluted place I have ever visited. Still, I think you're correct, they have a right to improve their lives and they are going through an age of industrialization. It's a problem but it's also kinda not right to say they cant :/ Great post anyhow!

It was interesting to read. Well the problem is described. The material is presented correctly. Post deserves attention. I want to re-read to familiarize yourself with the individual parts of the post. It sets out clearly and intelligibly. The problem outlined in the post appears clearly to our consciousness. Thank you for having clearly shown that this is the case. We had to get acquainted with it and know more

What China is doing in 20 years, is what the West has been doing over the past 200 years. Of course things become way more concentrated.