Again, thank-you so much for taking your time to write this reply. I am always so touched by your giving soul. Your, The Perfect Pause, was wonderful and I really, really loved it. It is so funny, but just before coming onto Steemit, I just finished my Amazon review for your book. It took me awhile because I had to figure out how to find the correct way to give a review. I'm not tech savvy and my daughter was out. So I finally found my way after a while, and was able to give my honest and most sincere review. Then I had to figure out how to post it. I tried to edit it but I may have hit the submit button without the corrections. It was hilarious how inept I was. At least it is on Amazon.
I wanted to share with you that in 1975, after going through a divorce, I was experiencing panic attacks, at which time there wasn't as much information about it for me. I would always think that I was going to die. My doctor put me through all sorts of tests which came out normal including a head scan, ECG, balance and hearing tests, etc. I went to all sorts of specialists without any results. It took my desperation to search on my own for any type of information on what caused my problems. Then by chance I read an article in Good Housekeeping where an individual wrote about his phobias and how it lead to angoraphobia. It gave me an aha moment and subsequently finally found what was wrong. The reason I am writing this is to suggest that you might want to do a book tour or a speaking tour, targeting support groups where people have panic attacks. As you know, it can be very, very debilitating. As a once sufferer of panic attack, I would have gone to see you speak and bought your book, because this is an area that people are desperate to find a way to help themselves and would so welcome your book. Medicine is not great about alternative methods for health as it should be. I really think you can have a significant impact in this are. My apologies for always leaving long messages. I really want you and your book to be successful! .....Cabbagepatch