The final custom of the Spring Festival – Lanterns on the tomb正月十五送灯

in #life7 years ago


In different places, there are really different customs . In my hometown, usually there is a latern exhibition on this day. People have the guessing games, northeast yangko dance has been played till the end of the lunar month . This morning we have to eat the boiled sweet dumplings, usuall y my father was good at cooking this kind of sweet dumplings . but now few people can do it by themselves , they usually buy it from the market .


After I went to Dalian, the custom here is a bit different from my hometown . on this day , my mother-in-law sends the lanterns to the late ancestors. It is said that the custom of sending lanterns comes from most parts of Shandong and some parts of the northeast. This activity let the ancesstors feel the greetings and warmth of their relatives.

There are all kinds of colourful laterns , they are made small but delicate, very beautiful , the price is not high . You can buy two to place them on the tomb to give lights to the ancestors. The lights must be delivered before the sun sets. So this day, there are many people in the memorial park.


It is said that the customes came from the emporer Ming dynasty Mr Zhu Yuanzhang . He went to his mother's grave on the Lantern Festival, but did not find it. So he lit a light in front of each of the grave, and then stopped to kowtow and kneel, the light before the grave did not go off was his mother’s grave.

In order to commemorate Zhu Yuanzhang, carry forward the filial piety, so every year people come to the tomb and send some laterns to their relatives. This may be the origin of the sending laterns . And the dinner is also earlier. After the reunion dinner, they prepare the things in advance and send the laterns before the sun sets.

After the latern festival, spring festival is usually finished , people begin to work hard again for the whole year.


到了大连之后,风俗跟我的老家有点不一样,就是每年十五这天, 婆婆家都要给逝去的先人送灯。据说送灯的习俗也是部分地区才有, 山东的大部分地区,东北部分地区有这个习俗。十五这天,给逝去的先人送灯, 让他们感受到亲人的问候和温暖。




为了纪念朱元璋,弘扬孝道,于是每年的正月十五元宵节这天,百姓们都给故去的亲人送灯。 这可能就是送灯的由来。而且这天晚饭也比较早,吃完十五团圆饭后,就去给故去的亲人送灯。所以,提前把该祭奠的东西准备好,吃了团圆饭后,天一落黑就去墓地送灯,祭奠亲人。




nice photo and great work.

What a great inspirational story! Thank you for sharing it with us! I will Resteem for you, you can Follow me?

thank you .


哈哈, 谢谢!

Beautiful post

Hello friend how are you, I love the photos, those colors are beautiful, I really liked the story!

The lanterns and flowers are so pretty! It's always cool to learn about other cultures and lifestyles. Thanks for sharing :)

thank you for your comment .



I didn't know about the spring festival!

This is a beautiful story. I have always loved lanterns and now they will hold even more significance. Thank you for sharing.

very beautiful dear

thank you dear .

Ritual like this is so beautiful. I love the sentiment of lighting a lantern for your ancestors. Beautiful images ❤