Life Hack #002- Dating- How To Not F-Up When Dating

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi, Joe West here.

Do you want to easily overcome the anxiety of dating & increase the number of Yeses you get by 8-20%?

Tip 1- Enter Their Line Of Sight.
Guys. Don’t “sneak up” on a woman. Always make sure you first enter her line of sight so she can see you before approaching her. Example.

I was talking through the mall and crossed paths with a women shopping by herself. She didn’t see me, so I backtracked and put myself in her line of sight.

It all happened very quickly. We made eye contact for about 10 feet and I stopped her. We chatted, she showed me her wedding ring, and we both left smiling and flattered.

Most men may not be troubled if a woman approached him from behind. But if you are like me, when you enter a persons line of sight, and they crack a smile. You will relax and the conversation is more comfortable and natural.

Tips 2- I have their attention, now what do I say?
Here’s a script

“Hi. I’m ____________. I really like your (genuinely compliment them- "hair, did you style it yourself?")

Negative- “Ok no big deal. Bye”
Neutral / Positive- “Cool, well I (Be Busy- "have a flight to catch, a few calls to make, need to make the meeting".)
But I really like (Confirm why the comment was genuine). Are you OPEN to meeting new people?

No- Ok, no biggie, enjoy your day. Bye.
Yes- “Great. Let me grab your number quick and I PROMISE I will message you.”

“Thank you. Well I need to (repeat why you are busy) but I PROMISE I will message you. Bye”

Two powerful words are used in that script. OPEN &; PROMIS.

OPEN- People are interested in lots of things. However, they are not interested in even more things.
When you use the word open, the other person must admit to not being open-minded if they turn down
your request. This puts a negative self-image on the person. I Guarantee you will get an 8-20% better
results when using OPEN instead of Interested.

PROMIS - Promises are powerful because it gives the other person the feeling of receiving value and
gives them a positive feeling and a positive self-image.


TRY- Try is a great word to use when you are trying to communicate to someone that what they are
currently doing is failing them and that YOU are the better option.

Tip 3- Stop Chasing butterflies
Imagin you are holding a blue or pink kids butterfly net, and you stealthily sneak into a field of flowers

with thousands of butterflies fluttering around. You swipe left with your net, Swoosh, you missed. You
swipe again. Shwoosh, nothing again. The harder you try, the faster the butterflies fly away. Waiting for
you to leave. The butterfly's float back down softly attracted to the sweet nectar of the flowers. Moral:
Stop chasing butterflies and become the flower. Become the type of person that would attract the
person of your dreams. Think. What would my perfect mate wants in a partner? A hot body. A good
listener, a fancy truck. A calm temper. A secure future. Stop chasing and attract the person of your

Use these 3 tips in your dating life, and I promise you will get better results right away.

Thank you
Joe West

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