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RE: Journal of a Failure

in #life7 years ago

Ok, here is what you need.

Go there and listen to all of those podcasts.
He has the half that you are missing.

Now, your first business was an accidental success. It was not a failure. It was just a short lived product.

The app needed much more marketing and upkeep by you. You probably needed to have a small blog that was SEO to get people in, get them information and sell them on your app.

The phone case... You were in over your head and didn't have the money, resources or know how to make the thing. And you didn't have much in how to market the thing. Also, to crowd source something you already have to have enough people ready to go to get it started. Basically, when you get to indigogo it should be a sure thing. Start with a blog.

All your failures are textbook. You jumped in head first without an entire plan. Robert Kiyosaki (a good author to read as primer for this field) describes constructing a business. And in his chart, the product is like the teeny tip of the pyramid, almost irrelevant. The rest of the business to support the manufacturing, distribution and cash flow is what is necessary to actually have a business.

So, unfortunately, you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again. is currently on a bit about creating on-line businesses for/by young people.


I'll check out the podcasts. Thank you!! :)