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RE: This Week Almost Defeated Me

in #life7 years ago

Hope things get better for you mate. It's always darkest before the dawn (I think)

Once the rage passes you will think more clearly. Sounds like you might be too trusting, too nice a boss. Got to turn up the heat in the kitchen maybe?


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Time to become the arsehole boss me thinks.

It is very dark before dawn. Also quite cold. :P

Hardest thing I ever did as a business owner was shut the doors and lay people off. They were the best employees I could ask for and they were the only ones working in their families at the time. That hurt a lot.

The second hardest thing I did was fire someone and pare another person's hours back. The person I fired was just not getting the job done and was actually defiant about things, and it took forever for me to do it. When I finally did it, I realized it was the best thing for the business (even though it meant me taking over her duties), but as a person, it still bothers me. It didn't help that she was diagnosed with a mental illness a short time after that.

I didn't know that at the time of firing her, and I couldn't have done anything to help really, and now the few times we run into each other she seems to be okay with what took place—it may have actually led to her being treated for it—but I know I never want to be in the position to have to do that again.

So, I find the way to be my own boss without being a boss, because I can't find it in myself to go back and work for someone else, nor do I want to go through the process of letting people go.

I'm afraid that some of us are just not wired to work a 9 to 5 for someone else. Then there's me, who doesn't want to be someone else's boss either. Not a whole lot of wiggle room in between, is there? I'll be 52 this year, and my wife is also patient, but she's approaching her limits.

Not sure if any of that makes sense or applies to your situation, but if anything does, this might—stay true to who you are and do what you believe to be just and true and the rest, as they say, will work itself out.

What you've said definitely resonates. I'm also not designed to work the 9 - 5 or be an employee.

It sounds like you went through quite a hard time there. I can't imagine how hard it would be to fire your staff and close the doors to your business.

I joke about it, but I actually can't imagine doing it. I actually really enjoy spending time with the members of my gym. They are genuinely great people. And my staff are mostly good people as well. Even though one of them has been incredibly dishonest and another is very lazy.

Have you written about your past experience at all? I'd like to read about it if you have. If you haven't, it sounds like it would be a fascinating story to tell.

I hadn't, until now. I've been thinking about it, though. Shutting the doors on the business is a classic tale of government vs. the little guy, so I'm sure it will be riveting reading!

I'm not sure how much detail I want to go into, but I'll try to hit the highlights. I have some other posts in mind first, but I will get to it.

As far as actually shutting down a business and letting people go, I wouldn't wish that on anyone—business owner or employees. It's just heartache all around. Didn't help that mine was a continuously running newspaper from 1890. You know, surviving the Great Depression and every economic recession in between.

Anyway, I'll save that for the post. When I get to it. I promise. :)

Definitely put that story down onto Steemit. It sounds like it would be perfect for this platform. I look forward to reading it.

Indeed. Me too.

I can totally relate. Don't like the 9-5, hated being a boss, hated having a boss. I'm in a good place right now, but there were a few things I learnt the hard way.

My advice is, don't be the asshole boss, but don't try to be friends with your employees either. You need to keep them at arms length or they won't respect you. You need to treat them fairly or they won't put the effort in for you. Somewhere in the middle is best.

I actually had a lengthy meeting with a business coach this morning. I’ll be using him to help bring in a new employment structure. He’ll also act as a go between between me and the team which will help a lot with getting shit done.

It will also prevent me from getting caught up in the nitty gritty of the place which I look forward to.

Onwards and upwards!