All your life you have been lied to, and it stops here! Once you learn this, you will see the World as it really is. You were taught lies from preschool through college to control your thinking, and it is working. Almost every one believes in these lies more than in God. BREAK FREE RIGHT NOW AND GET YOUR MIND AND SOUL BACK. One truth will help you see through the many lies. More truth videos to come.!uAY7tbNNZGZ2yiGNjfOuwmXqoW24nfJAoiZo210P4FcRBcPj!SCTmeoFmhQ1gYcW4JfLBh9BS3f7V2YXhpAqRoIXo8GbaGlkATHtHcFs&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3d200%2bproofs%2bflat%2bearth%26form%3dWNSGPH%26qs%3dAS%26cvid%3d8bb945c6f2154e7eb20b06eb23bb87ff%26pq%3d200%2bproofs%2bflat%2bearth%26cc%3dUS%26setlang%3den-US%26nclid%3d6A13355DA54CACAE90BFCF5B4ABC5350%26ts%3d1526153832740%26nclidts%3d1526153832%26tsms%3d740%26elv%3dAY3%2521uAY7tbNNZGZ2yiGNjfOuwmXqoW24nfJAoiZo210P4FcRBcPj%2521SCTmeoFmhQ1gYcW4JfLBh9BS3f7V2YXhpAqRoIXo8GbaGlkATHtHcFs&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=1B9D88691AC8D8B99B9F1B9D88691AC8D8B99B9F&FORM=WRVORC
what you say is very true
but many people do not realize it,How u doin @brotherdave,
very true @brotherdave, what you have said. there are still so many people who do not realize what they are worth to be very useful someday. Thank you friend
I was really shocked by the truth in this link. We have been lied to for too long.