Quitting Drinking and Getting Ready for Burning Man

in #life9 years ago

No alcohol at Burning Man

Why I'm Abstaining From Alcohol

I am 29, I started drinking when I was 19. It is the typical story, kid starts drinking, goes crazy with it in college and then starts to level out. I Have always been an outgoing sort of wild guy, but when I drink, about 75% of the time I drink to excess. Over the last 10 years almost everything I regret or have felt shame over has been because of drinking. Drinking has effected my relationship with my fiance and my friends in a negative way.

Last year in November I quit drinking for the whole month, I wanted to gain so perspective as to why I was drinking. I came to the realization that I used it as a crutch to socialize and "loosen up". But during this sober period I felt great and I adjusted to going out and still hanging with my friends and just not drink. After the month of November I celebrated by drinking of course. I started out drinking less, like I didn't need It as much. But that changed and I went back into the same social binge drinking pattern.

Lets just say some stuff happened that I regret and I'm quitting indefinitely until I can change my behaviors and emotional reactions. I'm 11 days in and I feel good, But the real test is about to begin...

I'm going to Burning Man

This will be my 4th Burn. If you have never been to Burning Man it is one of the most incredible experiences of your life. One of the unique aspects of the festival is the gift giving economy, People make or bring gifts in the form of jewelry, food, art, or booze. Yeah, tons of camps give away booze to most anyone with a cup and an ID. This is the big challange, Can I walk around this magical place and not casually grab a drink from a friendly burner? I think so, I hope so.

There is a friend camping with us and he is also sober so I have that support and will be able to go to him if i'm having trouble and that feels nice. There is also the fact that I am not abstaining from "other substances" while I'm out there.

Being Present and Setting My Intentions

I want to go into this new chapter of my life with intention and mindfulness. I want to really be present for the burn and do everything on purpose. Like My father always told me "Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life".

Thanks for listening, If you come to the burn visit me at 4:00 and Esplenade.


What brought you to burning man initially? I'm on the east coast but I'd like to make it to the festival at some point. I'm not sure I love that it's in the middle of a desert though.

Initially I would say It would be hanging out with other artist and getting involved with out local burning man event Element 11. There is something I love about the Isolation and survival aspect of the event. I live in Utah and its only an 8-10 hour drive there depending on stops. You should see if you have any local burning man sanctioned events near you.

Very cool, I need to check out some of the east coast burns! PS best of luck with your sobriety!

Great article. Strength is internal and I have found (when I quit smoking) most are supportive of choices made for personal reasons. Curious now how directions work @ burning man as 4:00 and Esplenade....... just intrigues me

Here is a Map of this years event. It's like a clock with alphabetic streets. http://burningman.org/event/black-rock-city-guide/2016-black-rock-city-plan/