H idear i am in tears we lost my aunt only 10 hours ago and this is the blog i see now here while i do my phc round. Its these moments that we think about what and how.
who Will we want this or that, i blogged about that before and that you need to think about what you are leaving behind and how you want everything to be arranged, be your own excecutive producer and do it while you can.
And how i want to be remembered oh dear opinions , they dont Harm me anymore, if my family remembers me as the one that was always there with the greatest amount of love and understanding i am proud,
And if they dont than they should read and view my library of life here on steemit, an document and mirror of me , myself and I
Hug for you for you loss, i hope the greef can have a place on your hart and life cause death sucks........
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I flag trash. You have been upvoted by trash. I have negated the vote from said trash.

Thanks i lost my aunt yesterday and to get sucha Nice comment really touches my hart, thank you so much
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt. These posts here on the blockchain are just like a book of memories, aren't they?
Hugs to you for your loss! xoxo
Love to you, Denise
The flag trash was a bit off, not appopriate in this comment
Not my comment. It doesn't even have anything to do with me. :(
I know !!! And i dont know why i got it while i was very serious and very sad telling you about my loss,
But i keep on blogging dear