Has anyone else ever attended a party that resulted with a sweet welcome to a family?
bam! we planned on meeting. 😁 Thanks to @Snook, everyone on Steemit was given an invitation to hang out and celebrate the New Year in the Alliance Discord. Beverage in hand, I dropped by and was treated to hours of conversation and laughs! During the night, I had my first conversation with @Enginewitty, a funny as all get out guy who is not only one of my Steemit Witnesses (#wizardsthatdothingswithtechnicalstuff) but also the head of the Alliance family. He picked up on my comment that I'm in New York and said he'd be passing through here on a trip that coming weekend. I offered him a place to stay should he need it and

Can I just say, Poor Witty! His long drive was extended by a couple of hours due to some nasty fog. Exhausted, he called ahead to see if he could crash at my place (as was offered to him) but this squirrel made the mistake of getting comfortable with a book on the couch. (Yup. I slept through the phone call.😢) Now, most tired people would be miffed enough to let at least a bit of their frustration seep through when someone called them back nearly an hour later to apologize for missing a call. Not this guy! He was still nice as peach pie and told me that everything was okay and he'd found a wonderful person who let him bunk down in a room for some rest at no charge! (That person, FYI, is going to be getting one hell of a thank you baked goodie basket from this squirrel. 🤗)

After getting some much needed z's and dropping off his son, Enginewitty was still cool enough to eschew booking it for home and swung on over to my place. I opened my door and was greeted with his great smile and a good firm hug! Thankfully, the main area of the house had been blessed by a pickup and vacuum by then so he wasn't tripping over everyone's shoes on the way in.

am, honored to be welcomed in with the people that he cares so deeply for. Thank you, Enginewitty, for that. 💜💜 Again, the first thing that I had to do was disappoint him. See, I'd promised peanut butter and jelly and that morning had realized that the only thing I left after baking was cherry preserves. So, hungry as all get out from having skipped lunch, he was still patient and sweet as he snacked on some cookies (praising me left, right and center for them) and was beset by my eager black lab, Shadow. Finally though, the pizza biscuits finished baking and he could eat! We jabber jawed a bit and then went on a stroll around my neighborhood so that he could snag a few pics of a tool barn by my community garden for @Kittygirl (who can have this photo if she'd like). Then we took a drive out to see more barns for Kitty and along the way, he surprised me by telling me that I was now part of the Alliance family! (Luckily, I'm a decent driver and didn't wreck us when he said that. 😂) I was, and still

On top of having the chance to get to know Witty a little bit better, he gave me a gift that I'm not sure he realizes. We can become accustomed to the beauty that surrounds our homes. Special things like the mural on the barn, the little free library and the pagoda painted on a barn that we visited near my childhood home can be taken for granted. Having the chance to show them to a person who is seeing these for the first time and being able to witness their genuine appreciation, reminded me how unique and wonderful these are. Thank you as well, Witty, for seeing things the way that you do. 🤗

I kept offering for him to have some rest when we returned to my house, as he had said that he wanted to push off soon and head home. But, you know what he did? Instead of taking the opportunity to chill and relax, he went online to show me how to play Steemmonsters! Not only that, but he went and floored me again and generously gifted me a few cards so that I'd be able to play! Holy Freakin' Wow! I still can't say thank you enough (sorry if you're tired of hearing it Enginewitty 😉 ). He was given some deep hugs for his sweetness (plus all the baked stuff that I could find containers for)!

Thank you, Enginewitty! Not just for the tasty moose munch or sweet chex mix or whatever it's called that you shared with me, not just for the warm welcome, SteemMonsters gift of cards and lessons but for also being easy to talk with and patient with people who are awkward when first meeting someone. 🤗

This post has SpunkeeMonkee as the 100% beneficiary. This fantastic program, designed by Dreemsteem is gearing up for Beta testing. Please, take a minute to check out the Fundition and Kickstarter pages so that lots of little monkeys can have fun with a treasure hunt that helps them prepare for life! 💕🐒

Ohhh! What a great meeting and he seems totally wonderful, and you are as well, brisby :D.
And you never told me about Shadow before!! A black lab... he must be gorgeous! XD
He really is awesome (like a certain fellow Frankie fan friend I know of 😉)! (And thank you for your sweet compliment!💜💜💜)
I've been remiss in sharing my pooch! Sorry about that. Here's a pic of Shadow (who usually starts bouncing around when I have a camera so I'm glad that he sat still for this photo, LOL). Do you have any pets, Scrawly?
OMG!!! Can I please love your dog? What a sweetheart!
Aww, thank you! Of course you can! 💜 Shadow would be so happy to have you spend hours cuddling him! He adores people. Once he calmed down from all of his wiggling in excitement from meeting you and jumping up to lick your face, he'll roll over so that you can rub his belly. When you have a seat on the couch or if you lie down anywhere, he snuggles up (which is great in the winter). 😂
Yay for snuggly pups! :)
Ohhh Shadow is so gorgeous <3. And you captured him excellently in such a nice lighting as well.
Yes, I have doggos, you can see them in my drawings lol xD.
what a great true story. I'm so happy the two of you got to meet.
Thank you! 💖 I'm very happy to have had the chance to meet him. (So want the day that I get to hug you in person to be soon. 🤗)
HUGS, LOVE, & Cinnamon buns 😘
I love that GIF of how you clean! 😁 And I am so humbled that you & Engine thought of me while you were visiting together! 💖
Thanks! It still cracks me up too. (Mostly as it's true, LOL 😂).
Awwww! 😘 It's because you're so awesome, Kitty! 😎 We were able to go gallivanting along country roads and he was able to take some photos to make you smile. It was a great way to spend a couple of hours and reminisce. Without your love of barns, we wouldn't have so, thank you! 😁
That dog tho, Shadow, was already my best friend before I came in the door!
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That is so cool that you were able to meet and spend time together and in the end, things came out perfectly. Pretty funny story, you sleepy squirrel.
Thank you, Whatisnew! 🤗 I'm awful when first meeting people (quiet and awkward) so it was great to be able to meet someone with an easy going attitude and patience. I'd love to be able to meet you some day in person (squirrel tail and all). Though, don't be surprised if I hug you tons and then ask if we can hang around your bug pub for a bit. 😜
Have yourself a wonderful weekend, my sweet friend! 💜 (I live in Central New York and we're due to be hit with a whopping amount of snow between today and tomorrow. I hope that where you are, this isn't so. 🤗)
I would love to meet you in person too! : ) I will be ready for hugs and you need to be ready for hugs from me too. Oh, my bug pub will be anxiously waiting. (You are so cute sleeping!) : )
How much snow did you get? You poor thing! I sure hope you have some nuts hidden.
We got about 3" but now we are dealing with the freezing cold. Wind chill will be at -12 in the early morning. Stay safe and warm bisby!
Aww! Thank you! 🤗 I'll definitely be ready for all of those wonderful hugs!
We ended up with over a foot of snow. I live on a corner so the snow fighters must have been laughing when their plows pushed the wall of snow in front of my driveway, LOL! (Yup, I had some peanuts and pistachios stashed away in my little hidey hole. 😄)
Uggh!! Wind chill shouldn't be allowed in the winter. Freezing cold is bad enough on its own.
Sending you love, hugs and lots of:
Over a foot of snow?!?! OMG! And then to have the plow pile it all up in front of your driveway?!?! That is soooo not fair!!! Good thing you had some nuts squirreled away.
Aw, look at those cute snuggling kitties. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, along with your love and hugs. : ) : ) : )
Such a wonderful story, it's amazing that @enginewitty managed to find the kindest bed and breakfast in the area! And very fortunate you still managed to meet up, one day he should do a post listing all the people he has met from the Steem blockchain - that will be one long post!
#thealliance #witness
Thank you Coff33a! 😁 Out of all the places and people that he could have found, you're right! I can't imagine how long that post would be, LOL! Though, it would be a very interesting read.
I hope that you have yourself a wonderful weekend!
Holy cows man, I honestly don't think I could list all the usernames. But rest assured, I will be meeting more!
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Definitely was worth the trip and thanks again you for being my tour guide😍as for the pb n j, no worries, I prefer hot food anyway sweets🤗🤗🤗glad you liking the game too!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
🤗Thank you! I'm very glad that you visited and you're welcome for the tour! Next time, I'll have to chuck something on the grill for you. 😋
Have a terrific weekend!
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