Nothing Feels Worse Than Being Stagnant

in #life6 years ago


You know that feeling when you get so comfortable that you're.... uncomfortable? We get listless, bored.

You're not taking enough risks in your life!

Do something, anything - to throw off the burdens that are limiting you. That might mean you take an action that turns out to be a mistake. But sometimes that's the risk you must take. You have to get the energy flowing and moving. If you're at a stagnant place in your life, shake it up. It's important to keep yourself moving, sometimes even if you're not quite sure and it's uncomfortable.

When faced with the discomfort of too much comfort or the new risk or potential mistake... choose the potential mistake!

Move things around. Make a decision. You might not feel ready. But when are we ever truly ready?

It's spring: the time for massive action and quantum leaps!

What action are you on the verge of taking, or what's in the works for you? Share in the comments! ❤️

This post was inspired by drawing from the Osho Zen Tarot deck.

beng a human ain't for the faint of heart redefining spirituality.jpg

There's no right or wrong way to do this.

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funny you mention stagnant...

had a recent real-eyes-ation that religion, statism, belief systems in general, stagnate...

laws, other than natural law, stagnate...

thinking you can own, and treat as permanent, verbs labeled as nouns...

what is ownership?
what is property?
why do people claim more than they need?

VERY true! Great addition to what I said here.

Haha,yes. It is funny how strong a bifurcation and shift in consciousness is taking place. In 3D, we want stagnancy because we fear the change and think that stagnancy brings eternity.
In 5D, we want change and reject stagnancy because we see that change brings eternity! ;)