
in #life8 years ago

I used to believe that all moral issues in life were just conflicts of interest; as if adversaries, such as Israelis and Palestinians for example, are just caught in some perpetual lose-lose situation. But in stumbling upon some big thinkers on the topic of Evil, I have had some very enlightening connections made in regards to life. As if for or some divine purpose, I have felt compelled to study this topic. It has captured my attention and opened my eyes to a source that can be pointed to, or a thing that can be actualized, when it comes to the underlying issues of the world.

I am going to introduce two sources for this topic. To emphasize the amazing continuity of ideas from these sources, I point out some interesting points: that they are in different formats (one is video, the other literature), these two people are not affiliated or aware of each other, one has a religious angle, the other pagan and philosophical, one male – the other female, etc. Again, the continuity of ideas between these unrelated works is amazing.

The fist is a book written by artist Paul Levy. It is called Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of evil. Paul Levy has also written about the evils of George Bush in a previous work. He uses the word Wetiko which derives from the Ojibwe Indian language used to describe a sort of “spiritual dis-ease” that plagues our world. He also uses a word of his own creation “Malignant Egophrenia” to describe this same disease.

The second source comes from a very outspoken victim of Jon Corzine who, like Bernie Madoff, stole huge sums of money from countless amounts of people. Ann Barnhart is no stranger to controversial topics, which is why I always must preface using her work as a source with a warning that her religious and political rhetoric offends even me. But I enjoy it. I find it very pathetic that very few people will be able to watch her video all the way through without getting so offended that they miss all of the golden nuggets of information she presents. Her word for this same illness is “Diabolical Narcissism.”

Both of these sources use different words to describe a diabolically wicked person or spirit that terrorizes others by means of Evil.

Here are some key traits that are expressed both by Barnhardt and Levy that are eerily consistent with one another. Keep in mind, these are only just a few cherry-picked concepts that are noticeably similar throughout these and other works done by those who have entertained the topic as a whole. I hope that you both read Levy’s book, and watch Barnhardt’s video as well as find other sources that outline these traits:

  • Projection of False Self: Evil people project a self that is not consistent with who they really are, they are an actor or performer, so to speak and wish to remain consistent in the eyes of their victims. The purpose of this is to create a false self, or false image of who they are in order to ease their self-hatred. Lucifer (bringer of light), the Illumi-nati; these are both evil entities that control the source of light and information, or control the frame of reference in which we see something. They control the projection of light in order to cast a shadow, hoping that it is what the victim will focus on. Manifested in a human-being, it might look like an exceptionally eccentric person, a person with a divine I.Q., disdainfully superior, grandiose, hyper-flirtatious, sexually promiscuous. All these traits come crashing down as soon as any criticism is applied towards their fake identity. They become hypersensitive and rarely participate in self-reflection. They “gaslight” others, this is a term that refers to the act of misleading others by convincing them that their own perception of reality is flawed. They are terrified of being exposed, but are very pleased with themselves when they do get away with their diabolical actions.

  • Inflated Ego and Self Importance: Deification of themselves and sometimes others is common. They cling to those who are like them in that they believe that only a person of “similar stature or importance” are able to understand them. They believe that they are immune to law and other basic rules of morality, and see themselves as the “good guys” while all other people are of lower value. They are self-important and their ego is usually inflated beyond their actual talent and ability. They are arrogant and shallow.

  • Vampiric and Energy Sucking: These people treat others as objects for their use, and see other people as three-dimensional cartoon characters and even sometimes two-dimensional images. They suck the life and energy out of a room and those who are their hosts. Like a vampire or leach, they may feed on the sustenance of their host until he or she is (literally in some cases) dead. Some of these people abuse children, these abuses you may know go beyond physical and sexual abuse, the term “spirit cooking” has come into the lexicon of the general public in recent times. But like a vampire, these people cannot see their own reflection and die when the light touches them –metaphorically speaking. This is because they hate themselves, not their reflected selves as stated above, but the true self. Herein lies the solution to this ailment which will be explained later.

  • Rampant throughout the World but Especially in the Middle East / Muslim Culture: Evil is an illness rampant in our world. It is seen in countless movie stars, politicians, faith leaders, world leaders, and anyone deified by mainstream culture. It is worth noting that both sources pointed out specifically that people from the Middle East or Muslim culture are particularly likely to be afflicted. As much as some wish not to believe, this is a culture that perpetuates narcissistic behavior and violent acts, all in one of the most conflict-ridden locations on the planet. Understandable given some circumstances, but NOT excusable. This is to the dismay of those who call themselves “social justice worriers” who may themselves be afflicted. Go down this list and check your average SJW against it.

Do any of these or other traits mentioned sound like someone you know? Do you recollect an encounter with a neighbor, family member, college, teacher, care-provider that jumps out? I know for sure that I can now account for numerous interactions that vilify these descriptions. As some of these traits are defined for you from the sources I presented, you will come to realize just how relevant the topic of Evil is when addressing those in your life.

Why is this important? Like Catherine Austin-Fitz says in the forward of Paul Levy’s book: “Our economic problems are symptoms of our governance, which is, in turn a symptom of a problem we have with Evil.”

This disease, entity, illness is the source of suffering on this planet. It is the perpetuation of predatory child abuse, world war, sexual violence and abuse. It drives families apart, and continues cycles of immoral behavior in children. Victims of it will know the suffering that comes with part of the soul that is taken from them and consumed by this entity. For this reason it is necessary to reconsider relationships with those afflicted, and essential that children are kept from interacting with such individuals.

If you have not come to realize already, there is little government, religious organization, or social movement can do to solve underlying moral issues in our world. If it were true, there would be no Evil people and no Evil acts. Destruction, violence, and heartache would be reduced to those mere conflicts of interest.

The solutions to combat Evil that Barnhardt and Levy present are similar. Self-reflection, sympathy for those affected, or shining a light (so to speak) are cures for this. Self-reflection is the act of shining a light on the dark parts of the soul / psyche and recognizing the diabolical deeds that Evil acts out upon victims. Because, according to Levy, we all have this disease to some extent, we all must take the narrative or control of the frame away from the Evil and turn the light upon it. A point that Barnhardt makes is showing love to those who are afflicted with this disease is effective, because evil is jealous of that one emotion, which it cannot feel. I would go one step further and state that this is also a great way to find out if someone you suspect is under this spell. Even if you are not religious, a simple “God bless you,” “Merry Christmas,” “I will pray for you,” will evoke a nasty scoff or sarcastic and half-hearted response from those that are Evil. Think about this, if you were to use your religion to send good tidings or wish someone well, what type of person would not accept this as a kind gesture? The answer is those who do not feel such positive emotions.


That video was some heavy listening!

This is the key to understanding everything, absolutely. Once you get this then you get what the force behind the 'system' is. Will be watching the vid throughout. Nice work. The main lie of the devil is that he doesn't exist.