A picture speaks a thousand words!!!

in #life6 years ago


I visited Kualalumpur sometime back and happened to come across this bookshop in a mall. I always try and click pictures of the things I find interesting ( which is generally rare ) and in the bookshop while checking out the books I happened to glance at this interesting book cover . The book cover has some unique message and was worth sharing with all.

Mind has no Gender

Life will be lived all the better if it has no Meaning

Man was born free yet everywhere he in chains

To be it to be perceived

Happy is who has overcome his ego

Over his own body and mind , individual is sovereign

Act as if what you do makes a difference

Man is the measure of all things

There is nothing outside of the text

Man is a machine

Man is an animal that make bargain

We only think when we are confronted with problems

Out of of all , I totally agree with the last one " We only think when we are confronted with problems " .

Do share your views on the above. Looking forward to starting a conversation with people with varied ideologies and take on the quotes .

Cheers and have a good day!!!