I just woke-up to meet your post because here it is the morning hours and after reading through all the lines of your post, I felt you were writing to me directly, without missing words you have said it all, I would say life is a great teacher, we learn from life everyday and personally, I tag life "A SCHOOL OF NO GRADUATION" because no one can claim he/she knows or have seen life actually the way it is because you never can tell what life will throw at you the next minute.
To some people life can be fair, while to other it can be cruel and in the next minute it can change the other way round. Personally I have come to realise that life comes with it's up's and down and it is simply unpredictable.
No matter how one plans, life has other plans for you like you said above and that is the express truth because personally I am a living witness to that. In conclusion I just believe we should keep pushing no matter what life throws at us and always hope for the better because in the course of life it is hope that keeps us going.
Thanks a million for this wonderful lines of wisdom you blogged about and most especially thanks for sharing it.