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RE: Grurp

in #life11 days ago

Greetings @meesterboom ,

We are all in tears now.

What to say? You tell her the powerful true story of long ago...about how God loves us everyone and provided a way of eternal life through His Son Christ Jesus. For God loved the world so much that He gave His uniquely born Son, so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. And that should anything go awry, she would be with the only wise, benevolent, perfect God of the Universe until her Mum and Dad came to be with her there.

That is what Bleujay would say to any child with such a beautiful query...You have a thinker. You knew that already. Your little one is in my thoughts.

Kindest Regards to you and your good lady,



She is a thinker indeed and she knows that she will be fine. Thank you for your kind as ever words milady :O)