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RE: Breaking Paradigms, a Difficult Yet Fundamental Task to Grow - Chapter 2 - Possibly The Most Important One to Have The Right Mindset...

in #life6 years ago

I love everything you wrote ... Everything is very true ... Here they always say that money changes people ...

We are normal people ... that is, we are not rich or live with rich ... I grew up in a neighborhood and my parents gave me studies and thank God I graduated and worked to achieve many things that you dream. My boyfriend graduated, we worked to buy an apartment and then get married, thank God we made it, then we were able to buy a car, and so on, little by little and with a lot of effort. My husband got a job where he was paid very well, and for us it was very satisfying to help other people.

Where I worked, I was in an important department, and there I met all kinds of people ... The humble and good-hearted people, the people with good position and good heart, but I also met people of good position but bad. They always waited for the opportunity to humiliate people and feel more than others ... and my colleagues told me that money changed them ... and I always told them: Money does not change anyone, it just brings up its true personality ... I've always thought that ... exactly as you express in this publication ... money does not change anyone ... simply, what you really are flourishes ... There I met noble people, but many proud people and bad.

In short, money is not bad ... and as the Bible says in 1 TIMOTHY 6:10:

because the love of money is the root of all evils! There are those who have left their faith to run after riches and have caused themselves a lot of suffering.

That does not mean that money is bad, but the love of money, that is, that for you the most important thing is money, more than your life, rather than helping your neighbor, rather than reaching out to the fallen. If we put money first in life ... there if I say, it's wrong. But money is not bad, much less want to have a lot of money or be rich ... How much I would like to travel as before and be able to help as before ... money can solve many needs and help many who really need it to be able to have peace of mind in any situation.

wao, I think I extended a lot ... Excuse me, hahaha