Success is not defined in a single day you had to hustle break down into pieces until you make it ...
Life is ever challenging and will always be but what life has given you as an edge is your passion and enthusiasm so keep holding that and go on as failure is not a failure until you accept it ....keep going on because success is made from those failures
Those who get success in a single attempt may be lucky but its not the way that you will ever achieve everything you have to grind in between try your level best and keep going on from failure to failure
pic source
Good one! Congratulations.
thanks so much @darthnava for checking out the post :)
Nice post
Thank you so much :)
Success is a continuous process
Thanks for the motivation.. I've resteemed it
thanks a lot for that :)
@blazing, you are making a good point here. thanks for sharing. :)
thanks so much glad you liked it :D
Hey Blazing you are my best friend on Steemit!
Thanks for that :)
That's awesome :D

hehe nice
I've always had a hard time doing my job, but that does not dampen me. I always try to overcome the challenges.
The things you say it is great and useful!
keep going on :D
So true.
thanks so much @luckyfellow :)
I think failure is just the lesson to learn to succeed. If we at least use them as the measure of our next move, then they weren't in vain.
failures are just to learn and over come the problem :)
Nice quote for a nice day
thanks a ton :D
Our whole life is our progress :))
Very nic post,i request to you kindly when you are free then visit my blog plz.
nice post