one of my friends went for a work medical a few weeks ago and the doctor was asking them all how much they drank every week. Most of them denied even drinking because they knew what was coming. Even if you said 5 pints over a whole weekend, the doctor would go on this spiel about how much a pint costs and adding up the total over a year. Davey however didn't get the memo. "I'd have about 10 pints on a Friday, Saturday would be around double because I start at 2 and finish around 2am, Then Sunday I go for the hair of he dog and stay there until the evening. The doctor was shocked and to his job he had to go into rehab. Bastards
Haha, class man. If I ever had to go for a medical I would be telling a few porky pies as well. I mind when I had a stomach thing a few years ago and the doctor said as long as I didn't eat much spicy food or drink alcohol/coffee it would clear up in no time and I was like but that's all I do!?
Nothing healthy tastes nice. Why do you forsake is god