LMAO ...... Shady by name shady by nature hahahahha. Shady "Bobby" Sands out witted you in the with her dirty protest. Cats are mad bastards. Do you know that a dog knows that you are not a dog but you can still be in his pack whereas a cat thinks you are another cat and can't fathom the fact you are not one of their own. That's why they spend loads of time sizing you up to see if they can take you down. I would have ended up in A&E with my tom. He's bigger than the fecking dog. I took him to the vet once and she asked me was she friendly. I said he was yeah because he is. 10 seconds later Jeff (cat) was on her head clawing at her face. Get him off me get him off me!!! It was the straight jacket from then on for Jeff with his litle head popping out. Oh by the way I had an electrician around in the job today . His boss rang and he said "I must go El Jefe is on the line" I burst out laughing as the only other time I hear anyone say El Jefe is you!! 🤣 🤣. I wasn't aware it was a thing.
Lol! I totally did not know this but now you say it, it makes so much sense of everything I have ever experienced with the moggies.
My Tom, they other one is pretty huge too but he is so placid and chilled. More so since all those years ago he had his balls chopped off, hehe.
El Jefe, I have never heard another souk say it here. Its an awesome thing. I love actually annoying my boss by saying it when he walks into the room 🤣🤣