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RE: SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

in #life8 years ago
  • nation founded on declaring freedom of man from tyranny
  • amendment created with the sole purpose of being allowed to say whatever you want
  • amendment created with the sole purpose of physically defending rights to say whatever you want

"never question the state"
really dude?


Blake ... you're confusing/blurring the difference between the lofty ideals of the founders vs. the US flag now as the rightful symbol of war and aggression it is across the planet.

And you're implying the lofty ideals of the founders are absolutely non-existent in present day. I disagree wholeheartedly.

The interesting thing about symbols is that people can perceived the same symbols differently for a variety of reasons. I view the flag as "half full", while many choose to see it as "half-empty" or completely destructive.

I'd still rather live in America than say... Hamburg, Germany.. Paris, France... or Malmo, Sweden.... or any other number of locations in the world.

But that's my perspective based on my perception that the 'lofty ideals of the founders' still exist and will not disappear without a fight.

You say they are lofty ideals, but do you agree with those lofty ideals in principle? Are they something worth fighting and dying for? If not for yourself and your family, but for your future progeny in the hopes that they'll live in a world better than the current one?

I absolutely do believe in the principles of the Bill of Rights, and that many people in the world, not just the US, believe in and hunger for the same. But governments do not. Expounding on that point, I use the term "government" loosely, because really there are no more governments, or at least very few, that still represent and work for "We the People" of the planet.

So would I fight for a debt slavery fiat money banking cabal that has cleverly usurped every aspect of liberty embodied in founding documents and essentially taken over the planet, constantly fomenting false flags, war, death, pain, and ruining any country that gets in the way, all in order to support the extreme wealth and power of a few, in monetary system that has constantly devalued our money, by counterfeiting, inflating, or other forms of monetary fraud? Emphatically, no.

Now would I defend my village if the neighboring village came storming over the ridge and decided to raid the crops? Of course. That would be a clear cut instance of self defense.

What I'm saying is that all of these "enemies" on the planet that we just keep having to attack and go to war with have been created by the cabal to keep the planet in a constant state of war-for-profit. Smedley Butler, War is a Racket. You can find the link somewhere on this thread, but if you have not already seen it, watch "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Mans Trick". One of the best documentaries you will ever see explaining roots and real identity of the cabal.

After the Constitutional Convention of 1787, citizens gathered and waited outside Independence Hall wondering about the outcome. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” To which, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” But we lost it. In many steps, but IMHO with the coup de gras coming with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Once the US Treasury had to borrow money into existence at interest, we were f***ed.

To sum it up for myself, it isn't money that is the root of all evil, it is fiat money. I've heard it said that we can't stop war because it's in our nature, we're hard wired for it. I don't believe it. One of the cabal created despots of the last century said it best;

“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." — Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials.

Usury, fiat money has enabled this cabal of wealth and power. But they are about to go down. Crypto currencies, the dollar death, and wikileaks are going to do them in. A New World, but not a New World Order cabal is taking over.

So what about you, Blake? ... are you with We The People, or the Cabal?

Ask yourself this... would someone who's been active on a website like this since beta, and been in cryptocurrency since 2015 be all about the New World Order/Cabal/Pedocracy?

Do you realize that a good 90% of "trigger pullers" from the 'despised' military (particularly those of us from the 'evil spec ops' types) are devoted to the founding ideals in the Constitution, their families, and their ability to defend themselves and their loved ones with highly trained precision?

What makes you think I'm not for the people? I hate fiat controls and I hate government control of supply. Crony Capitalism and Global Marxism is mortal enemies to everything I hold dear.

What line in the sand do YOU think I stand on?