i dont care if some girl peed on the flag. shes just trolling, and so is berwick.
but reading these comments, you're a straight up sycophant.
i dont care if some girl peed on the flag. shes just trolling, and so is berwick.
but reading these comments, you're a straight up sycophant.
Would you not say a Tyrant is someone who kills another just because he is told to? that's a soldier/vet
You say I was a GreenBeret in a previous life = WAR MONGER!
you think you have a voice here??
ANYONE THAT WOULD SAY "Unconventional Warfare is one of my happy places" IS THE SYCOPHANT!
Hope to meet you some day to give your head a shake. :)
Typing in large font in no discernible pattern and/or in all caps does not make you seem more intelligent.
A tyrant is defined as : noun
I do not like anyone who could be described with either of those descriptions.
As far as "do I have a voice here, I most certainly do and you seem like the type of person who would love to have me silenced.
If you want to take this debate to a video hangout, I'm game. We can even post it up on Steemit and share the rewards. I somehow doubt you'll be able to avoid devolving into ad hominem attacks, however.
Final Note: sycophant is defined as a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite. I called you that particularly because you're in EVERY post I've seen from Berwick behaving exactly like a sycophant.
Do you have a good explanation of how I'm a 'servile flatterer, fawning parasite' to a field of study, such as the art of unconventional warfare?
Your summed up in one word "Parasite!"
YOU'RE (ftfy) summed up in two words: mental midget.