in #life8 years ago (edited)

Stop drinking this poison! Some parrents even give this to their kids. Most energy drinks are pumped up with massive ammounts of sugar and Cafeïne and other chemicals.This can't be healthy for your body! Stop drinking this crap! And think of your health!

Risks involved :
-Cardiac Arrest
-Headaches and Migraines
-Increased Anxiety
-Type 2 Diabetes

After 24 redbulls Result :

Top 10 Energy Drinks with Dangerous Side Effects:

I hope you think of this next time you open a energy drink.

Take good care of your body , you only have one.

Wish the you the best of health, keep postive and be active!

Kind regards,


Great post! It's good to make people aware of the effects all these soft drinks can have. People underestimate it massively.

Thank you very much for your kind reply!

Yes, indeed people think because it's "legal" it can't harm you! But it can defintly cause some serious harm to your body & mind!
Kind regards,

Just water and good sleep here, (Plus a cold shower... that's an amazing source of energy in the summer!).

And coffee.

And Green tea... and the other teas.

Thank you for your kind reply!
Indeed Water is the best source of minerals. It will keep you hydrated tot the fullest. Ant greent thea is perfect anti-oxidant that will rinse your body perfectly.

Kind regards,

Unfortunatly after losing my job and getting another an hour away, it's either a Monster Juice a day on the drive in, or falling asleep at the wheel...

Hopefully someday in the near future I'll get to remember what a good night's sleep is like.

Thank you for your reaction!

That's not good to hear! Mabe some cold drinks or driving with loud music and the window open can help?
I think that's not a good patern drinking monster every day ..

You are consuming alot of sugar. I should take it easy if i was you!

Wish you the best !

Kind regards,

This is awesome man! Glad your bringing some more light to this :) I actually drink celcius it's a "alternative" to the other crap, but a much healthier one. I will follow

Thank you very much for your kind comment!

I think this kind of drinks is all poison! This can't be healthy for you!
Your body is your temple honor it! :)

Kind regards,

Lol your blacklisted.

You broke the rules.

Kind regards,