Interrupt the person to clarify for yourself whether you understood him correctly. Say that you do not quite understand what he means, repeat his words verbatim, and then express your interpretation. It is best to rephrase what has been said, than mechanically repeat it.
After the interlocutor agrees, keep control over the situation and do not let him talk further. Grab the topic.
Distract from what the person tells you, showing complete indifference. This is another way of saying "I do not listen to you". Then, when the "interlocutor" is silent, intercept the initiative and say whatever you want.
It should be reminded once again that this and similar tactics can be used only if the person behaves not quite adequately and deserves such an attitude.
External interrupt
In advance, plan that at some point you will digress to another person and call him to the company or come to him. True, you can do this and impromptu, but make sure that it looks natural.
Preparation is also important in the event that you will not have someone to rely on. Then use gadgets: let the phone give signs of life at some point.
This tactic is especially good with those people with whom you do not want to spoil the relationship. It's not you who are distracted, they interrupted you.
Use power and inner strength:
Dominant or strong body language
Strong words and convincing language
Name a person by name
Use charisma
And finally the most simple and effective way. Are you afraid to interrupt a person and seem impolite? Ask for permission from him. As a rule, this is perceived positively. After all, you show that you know the rules of morality, but here you just have to break them.
thank you for the wonderful post.