So in about a month, I'll join the army as a rookie. I'm only 18 and so I haven't been through a lot in my life which makes me a little anxious about what is coming. I'll probably be a combat soldier which doesn't bother me that much but my family is afraid for my safety. Being a combat soldier is something that just hit me out of the blue.
You see, in my country, when we get to 18, we must join the army for a period of about 3 years. That makes you wonder what job you are gonna when you'll eventually get drafted. Most of us do become combat soldiers, but I just never really dedicated much thought to my military service. Suddenly, it was too late and I got the notice I'll be in the combat zone.
On the other hand, these days I'm actually excited about my service and I can't wait. I heard from a lot of my friends that already serve, this changes you, it's an experience you'll take with yourself for life. Also, you meet friends for life, you will do everything together, whether if it's to suffer, to sleep, take a shower or eat.
One of the things that make me a little anxious is the attitude from my superiors. I expect the worst and still fear a bit that commanders will shout at me all day long. I always had problems with my superiors, whether it's at work or school. I always picked a fight with them for many reasons. The main reason always was that It's hard for me to take ordersץ I'm not proud of it but I guess I'm just some kind of freak control, call it how you want.
My father served as a combat soldier too before I was born and he came out alright. I just hope I will make it through a stronger, better man and help to protect my country.
Serve your country with pride
Yes sir
please follow me. i am already vote u.@arupkumer
It is amazing
Nice job!!
I was super anxious before I had to join the army, too anxious that I didn't join and went to Sherut Leumi.
Is the commander shouting at you is the only thing you're scared of?
If so, you are in a really good spot, believe me. As someone who every single one of his friends is serving in the military/already finished, I can tell you that it's not as bad as it sounds.
Yes, the commander will shout at you, but it's seriously nothing. You'll learn how to control yourself. that's the beauty of the army.
good luck!!
It's less the shoutings, i got a litlle problem when people hive me orders, but I guess I'll just get over it. It's the army after all.
that would be great if you join army to serve your country @bitton
First of all, good luck and take care of yourself.
Second thing, you have to take into account only one thing,
Your commander, three years older than you,
He is a man just like you and no more than that (proportion).
After basic training, you'll understand what I'm talking about.
As for discipline, you have no choice now, it's an army,
You will have to change or stay a lot of Saturdays at the base.
Thanks, I'll do my best!
בהצלחה אחי, יש לכולם חששות בהתחלה, יש גם רגעים קשים לפעמים אבל בהחלט 3 שנים כיפיות בסופו של דבר.
Thanks ahi
Loads of luck & stay safe! <3
Thank you
Be safe, but have fun!