The most fair currency concept BST and let's get this hive thing popping! (Live show announcement)

in #life4 years ago


If you want to skip my currency concept scroll down to the make the hive live section for the live show announcement.

Introducing a theoretical concept for the most fair currency that I made up, as of today as far as I'm aware it's not really possible to create this fair currency but I'm sure with development in technology and human understanding this currency can be possible to create and implement.

I imagine most of you are familiar with the "time is money" saying but if time = money please show me the time doesn't exist does it now ?

It doesn't take a genius to see the flaws in the concept it's not accurate for the most part we don't get paid for our time although it is something we give up to acquire currency we give so much more than just time in our efforts to earn a living.

Here is where the concept for my fair currency comes in...

Blood sweat and tears!
These 3 words are just symbols that I am now going to explain, in the context of this fair theoretical currency.

The first metric in determining value is called blood but its not necessarily measured in that life supporting liquid instead it symbolizes the wear and tear we put on our bodies in our effort to make a living. In other words the physical damage we take during our work, non of the 3 metrics are universal they vary from job to job and from person to person, for example lifting a box can have more of a strain on someone that is far to small or far to tall for the package.
The blood metric is beyond our capacity to properly measure at this time but like I said with time things will change and what once was impossible will be possible.

The second metric for measuring the value of the fair currency and the only one that can be measured in our current time sweat,
It's the amount of energy it takes for us to complete the work, it's simply the measurements of calories burned for the completion of the work and is the easiest of the 3 to measure.

Our last metric and another one that is beyond our capabilities in this day and age, tears a measure of the mental strain we endure during our work,
Now this is not quite the same as just calculating the amount of brain power we use but more so the emotional elements of the work, again I like to repeat the fact that all 3 of the metrics are very subjective and vary from person to person.
Here is an example
If the work is long and repetitive it can be really boring and tough mentally some may find it harder than others as I said it varies from person to person someone that is already not in the best mental health state can take a harder strain.

Now we put the 3 together B + S + T = value aka my fair currency concept I can get into what value is but I feel like we gonna get a really long post on our hands and I value my and your time so I'm not going to do that if you are interested look into it and if you want to discuss with me I would be more than open perhaps on the live , I'm all about maximizing value out here so you know what it is.

Thoughts, concerns, and flaws in the concepts are all welcome in the comments section.

Make the hive live

I went live yesterday on but you probably didn't know about it and perhaps it's for the best it was a learning experience and I had some serious blunders in leaking private information but I reacted rather well and and I loved the over all experience. @threespeak what's up y'all , not sure if you guys active on the blog or just got a bot posting thing, will also email you guys but since we are on the hive here I feel this can and should be public.

So I realized that I been slacking and should really focus my attention and energy on learning and developing on the hive blockchain, this can pay of in so many ways like potentially helping me secure better employment as a blockchain developer and the skills are also translatable into regular programing, so I ask you to pardon my ignorance as I do have a desire to learn and am in the process of doing so.

First things first wtf only one person is live streaming as I am writing this and not a single one was during the time of my live stream last night , I mean it's neat in a way a bit pioneer like but our competitors on the steem network that got sold to China I mean Justin Sun 😂 not gonna get into this WW3 type behavior let's be civilized folks.

I got no issue with china persay but I am for technological decentralization and so I try to go with the platform that is most in line with the ideology and hive is the one I found to be the leader in that regard.

For starters our first issue with the low 3speak live video volume, I tried to comment on the single live video on right now and I can't ! It says I must login to comment but I already am ... So we got a bit of a bug perhaps.

second issue after finishing my first live video experiment on 3speak which was roughly around 2 hours, I discovered that the video is not saved for those that did not catch it live, in my case it was sort of a good thing for reasons stated above but overall its horrible! Not to say it has no use it can be used as a Fomo tool to help push the content limited time only type thing , but we must have an option to save the live as a video as well.

I'm ready to go hard on the hive y'all even plotting on some 24/7 streams ! This can be revolutionary stuff going down let's make 3speak and our hive ecosystem prosper.

Hope you come check me out will post a link in the comment section of this post I'm going live shortly

(!1)The BST currency artwork for this post
Title - BST currency artwork
Author - Maxim. G
Source - this post on the Hive blockchain
License -
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Hope you got some value from my post,
Thanks for stopping by, your upvotes, comments and reblogs are truly appreciated.



Hopefully you can get a lot of coding practise here and get involved with some of the many projects being built right now. 3speak have real people working there but are in the middle of a huge update and might not be as up to date as usual. Big plans coming soon.

Looking forward to that , thanks for sharing I hope they add mobile support

Good points made here but sometimes i think if your product take a long time to come out you miss momentum and yet if you put it out there you are going to have some bugs. Thanks for sharing your xp!

you get a downvote for your nasty picture, the comment I don't mind so much you are shill your opinion, So the selling of steem inc was not a power move lol anyway please don't come back here with these kinds of pics.