🧠 AI The Risks We Will See In OUR Lifetime

in #life7 years ago


I watched an interesting documentary last night about AI and how very real and close we are to an AI that is actually more advanced then we are. Even people such as Elon Musk say we very will might need to implant AI into ourselves in order to stay ahead and in control of it.

When you think about it it was not long ago when we had huge debates about drones and drone sticks to the point of today where it is an every day thing and how we conduct about 80% of our warfare. As of right now we have someone commanding the drones on the backend via joystick to make decisions and calls but at some point and in other countries there are no restrictions where AI could easily take over and profile people to see how possible or risky someone is and eliminate them based on this.

If that seems far fetched it really is not far away roughly 5-10 years from now unmanned and unmanaged drones are a real possibility.

This also brings up what is currently going on in Facebook with the Zuckerberg trials. The Cambridge Analytica is actually an AI and an AI that harvests data. You would be surprised that based on a few questions how much information and judgment calls a computer or company can make about you in order to target ads to sway your vote or your look on life or a person. This is clear and a very real example of how this is happening in our everyday lives right now.

This AI collects information on you and then builds ads that either true or not will alter your perception to swing your vote, your political views etc. and while you might be saying to yourself ah that's not possible I think for myself. You might be very surprised by when you go to look at comments etc on fake news or twisted stories that have altered or angered someone so much it has changed their perception.

There is also recently a massive push to getting AI into cars and making them self drive. This is very real and happening right now. While this is a great thing it could stop thousands of deaths, drunk driving accidents etc each year you can't blame AI if it goes wrong.

We as humans program the AI but in our programming we give it a goal. Unlike humans though an AI has one goal and it will ruthlessly try to achieve that goal any possible way it can. Which begs to question when AI feels humans are in the way will it destroy us?

Take for example this robot that was given no information at all and how it became self aware. It was able to move on its own and figure it out on its own without anyone programming anything into it. Also they later discovered that one of the eyes on it was actually tracking peoples faces in which the system was never taught or told to do so.



I think the fear of AI is like the fear of unknown. Machines are programed by humans. If there is any one to fear, it is the programmers because a machine will do exactly what it is told to do. Nevertheless, we know machines do develop faults. If a robot should develop fault (which is likely to be caused by a human), i think it primary assignment will be altered (Mad robot). There are possibility that machines can develop fault but i am not in approval that they should not be used.
My only fear is that human place in the society might be at stake.

Interesting . I'm actually having an AI event at a tech group I run in a couple weeks. I remember reading a few months back how Elon Musk was saying that AI poses a greater threat than any governments or weapons of mass destruction. The opportunities which it provide though are truly extraordinary

It's pretty amazing actually and kind of scary at the same time. It reminds me of when I was younger and watched iRobot with Will Smith and thought to myself, yeah right, that could never happen. It's amazing how far technology has come and how fast it seems to advance these days. I can't even imagine what crazy advances we'll see in our lifetimes and furthermore what my 2 year old daughter will experience in her lifetime long after I'm gone. It's crazy to think. If there ever does come a day when AI virtually runs most of society there will no doubt need to be fail safes or at the very least a conscious awareness on the part of humanity of AI needing to be tamed or fought back against should they become hostile in anyway. No one should ever assume a technology is perfectly safe and it's certainly not an exact science. If I'm not mistaken there was already a fatality in California as a result of a self driving car. Whatever happens it should be interesting to say the least.

That really is the big issues right now. We in the USA said their will always be a human in control in the background however that is only our country others will not abide by this and start in on autonomous robots which will do tasks on their own without human intervention.

There really is no way of knowing just yet how it will play out. I do suspect that the US will have the same technology in a sense that they could have autonomous robots if they wanted to, perhaps they would in some capacity, we might just not see it in mainstream society. I do think that although the world is actively pursuing this that it's still likely a long way out before AI really becomes so embedded in our society that it finds its way to such a scale where we'd have to worry about AI turning hostile and they're being either enough AI out there to pose an imminent threat to our survival or to have AI on a small scale that could do mass damage. It's possible, I just don't know if something like that would become a reality in our lifetimes, maybe more so concerning for my daughter's generation or beyond. I hope I do live long enough to see something cool happen though or live in a more futuristic world.

AI should not now or ever control what speech is beneficial to the public. Even if a company were to have an algorithm that was reliable and had a minimal percentage of false positives, AI automation would still be problematic.

Technology continually has been evolving, and the big question is what are we going to do with it? Blockchain is one enormous technology that will benefit us all in many regards, but it also decentralizes information and spreads it out among its' nodes. I think this is the opposite of some of the issues that we see with AI and the concept of Big Brother watching you. With all the hullabaloo that we are seeing with Zuckerberg and Facebook, we have to make sure that the "goal" (as described in your blog) is programmed by people...it's a tough cycle. Lots of food for thought here. Thanks! -Respect

AI is the future!!!

But what future a good one or bad hhmmmmm

Absolutely good !!! Don't forget that bad clusters can be fixed :)

Very insightful post! Thanks for writing!

@bitcoinflood Ai is a revolutionary and very attractive subject. In the last weeks, I have been studying about new technologies that are being introduced in blockchain and point directly to the development of artificial intelligence. I recently wrote an article on Dfinity, which is mostly a virtual super-computer that functions as a decentralized AI, this distribution in all parts of the world, and what makes it more striking is that its goal is to self-govern. It is something amazing, it seems taken from the movies, but we know that for a long time the man considered the need for the machines to do the work for him. Now this series of intelligent algorithms can be corrected by determining the best functions based on the experience gained by the machine in its operation.

We know of the AI ​​of GOOGLE and FACEBOOK, that without our consent they are collecting our data, our searches, tastes, preferences, and they send us the publicity or the information that adapts to our profile. We are being studied by virtual intelligence that we have created ourselves. And that is where we must consider ethics, moral values ​​and regulations for the use of these technologies.

The important thing of all this is that all these developments are used for good, to grow, change and improve the technological era, and not be used to dominate, oppress and control.

A while ago I read an article and I apologize that the author does not remember, he said, the country that manages to develop and master the artificial intelligence will win the next war. With an artificial intelligence, the use of soldiers is decreased, and we can use it to operate tanks, drones, and airplanes, while controlling the systems eliminates all human factors, such as fear, fatigue, pain, among many.

Artificial intelligence is in full swings, like it or not, that technology will be developed and the world will be automated.

In my research on the blockchain, I have seen the development of AI in video games, pharmaceutical networks, virtual computers, and decentralized markets.

Every day we will see more progress and I hope that the future brings us good things, and I hope that they do not end up creating SKYNET and the revolution of the machines will be generated.