"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" Vincent Van Gogh
When we want to start something new, we have a great fear. How it will work out? Will it be successful or not?
We Generate Fears While We Sit.
We Overcome Them By Action
It's human tendency to think the negative. That stops you to start a new thing. If we control our negativism and fear, we can achieve it.
Before we act, our imagination and fear of future makes that work impossible but often when we move forward, we find the path ahead. Only then we realize all the negativism and fear are the imaginations that we created in our minds.
Simply put, because of fear of failure, we miss opportunities. To examine the dangers of a specified chance fast, you need to list the threats, and take action Without taking action you can't succeed.
No matter how much the world tries to hold you back, keep on believing that you can accomplish what you want.
Believing that you can succeed is the most significant step in succeeding.
Greatest courage is to change yourself for something.