Your Thoughts And Actions Create Your Reality!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

    One thing you have to start to understand about life is that life is kind of nothing. It's nothing until you determine what it is. The thoughts and actions you choose to believe and act on now, will determine your future of your reality.

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Let's use money as an example.

You will get a big pay check today if you put in the work (and sometimes hours) last week. If worked less last week than the week before your going to get a smaller pay check. So the work you put in now will determine how things will be in the future.

Another example.

You cannot say "Life is beautiful and amazing" because if that was the case then everyone's life is beautiful and amazing and everyone would think their life is beautiful and amazing because that's how life would be. Unfortunately that's not the case. It's your life. Your life is beautiful and amazing. To someone else life may be funny or stressful or painful. You don't know. So the point is life is not amazing. Your life is amazing because that's how you see it.

Life in a way is just blankness. It is possibility. Until you and your conscious thoughts and actions give life a description. I use the word description rather than meaning because giving life meaning is something entirely different.

Your thoughts and actions create your reality and that reality is your life. Your consciousness is life. And This. This is what you must learn.

This is the Beatific way.

Be Beatific


Very true. Life is what you make of it.

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