We males are obsessed with the threesome hypothesis with two women, as if most of us had enough big bamboo to keep them both of them at bay, when sometime it’s a mess to keep manage one. But we don’t question the likelihood of our fantasies, we try to realize them. So here's 6 steps through which your dream will become reality and you will become the most envied among your friends.
1. Retrieves a stable friend-with-benefits
As you know, bringing two women at the same time to you is less likely that an asteroid hit the Earth. So, to make it possible, you must start from a solid base, that is a stable friend-with-benefits. This means that the threesome is not a matter of blitzkrieg but a trench war. Begin working on it months in advance and above all, do not commit the mistake of thinking that the half stable of the two girls you want to make may be your girlfriend: propose her a threesome will make may be your girlfriend: propose her a threesome will make her paranoia go sky-.high and eventually dump you. And you, again single, to consume your eyes and dick with tears and your right hand.
2. Verify your bisex side
Not all women are attracted to other women, but not all women are say the truth. You will first have to investigate the attitudes of the friend-with-benefits, asking for h orientation. Then, if you see there is a margin of maneuver, you can suggest the images and situations that will slowly attract her to you. All this drop wise because we know that the trio suddenly exists only in our favorite porn.
3. Avoid false tracks
Unfortunately, the feminine hemisphere is full of girls that to appear transgressive they say they are bisex, they kiss a girl and your testosterone level is in the stratosphere. 9 out of 10, those who do so have a single goal: to pick up dicks. You do not fall for it - women are not cerebral like us, that just touching a pussy we feel the moral duty to yell about it to the world. The more a girl exposes her alleged bisexuality and the more you have to make yourself smart and point to the one who attends the scene without saying anything but keeps biting her lip with the appetite of a German shepherd.
4. Find the second girl
The second girl will then have to be a person who does not show off all her fucking around because she is too busy doing it. Here too you will have to be good at building a friendly relationship, in which you will first inquire about your attitudes and then make your own proposals - obviously without insisting: you are talking to a person not with a donkey you have to convince her to lie in bed with you and another woman. Remember to look interested but not obsessed with the thing, otherwise you gonna look like a pussy beggar, or else you will lose the threesome and your dignity.
5. Care for details
When you have informed consent of all the girls in question, begin to cure practical details: place, dates, and times. You will find that agreeing to the needs of three people is not easy and you will regret the comfortable traditional sex. However, here your guide line should be one and only one: do not try to recreate the settings of your favorite porn movie. Also know that, according to a research at Verga Torrita University, this is the phase where most of the threesome projects are blocked, so be prepared for every eventuality.
6. Be amazing
That one that after all of this and then cums in ten seconds, won’t see pussy for the next decades.

Step 7. Have cocaine
Ahahahah XD
Been there, done that, 😁 highly recommended 👍