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RE: 9/11 attacks not the first False Flag. Classified Documents here leaked by Edward Snowden conclude the USS Liberty was a false flag.

in #life8 years ago

They control the mainstream media, they control the message.

Easily done and we see proof of it every...single.... day.

Controlled opposition is a key term for people to understand and I encourage people to look that up if you are reading this and maybe do not know what it is.

It means people in key positions are basically placed there and are puppets, that is why largely everything in politics, media, etc is a pawn, a game.

To manipulate and control the endgame and the narrative for the globalists and those connected to them.


I have read it said, that, in the late 60's, if you were to meet a member of the Black Panthers, that odds were, you were talking to an FBI agent, the same with the IRA and MI-5. Controlled opposition functions as one expression of the Hegelian dialectic.

The various mafias that are gov't controlled have tried very hard to silence lots of opposition to them.

I will watch my words but we know people are in different countries now, like Snowden, Assange, etc -- and cannot come "home" - but why would they want to, right?

Some people and I mean piles...... have gone mysteriously....dead who seek to oppose and call out the gov't corruption at every level from health, science, defence, media, natural medicine advocates and the list goes on.

It is all black shadows and ops, corruption and politically linked.

All of it.

People are questioning everything.


And I am good with that.