Hello :)

I have graduated and now I am on vacation, it is time to go to my own city.
I have also published my thesis :)

I have to picked up my 4 years materyal, but the plane wanted me to bring only 15 kg.
For this reason, I had to throw a lot of things, and I sent them with a cargo to what I could not throw. Yet when I arrived at the airport there were 13 kg of extra items :(
It 4 days now that i arrived my city but the pain in my shoulder still did not pass due to the heavy bag
I really do not like when I have to take heavy materyal and travel with them
I was have to do this for at least 2 times a year in order to live a student life for 4 years: (I hope it will be a little more comfortable now.
Anyway the subject came again to different places: D I was actually going to tell you about my flight.
I was actually very tired and hungry because my flight was very early and I had too many items to carry. The flight about 1 hour.
The place to sit on the plane was the back of the plane.
I accidentally entered in front And I had to wait until everyone else was sitting on the their sit. I already got tired and I got angry to myself :D
I would go to the airport one hour away by bus to reach the house. But I did not have the power: D
I ordered tea and croissant on the plane.
Nevertheless, I wanted to get home as soon as possible so that I could meet my family a long time later :)
졸업해서 이제 고향으로 돌아가는 시간이 왔어요 . 이제 논문도 다 쓰고 냈으니까 마음도 편해요.
그래도 4 년 이 도시에서 살고 모든 물건을 쿠사다스로 가져갈 수는 없으니까 보렸던 물건도 많았어요. 그래도 가방에 13 KG 물건이 많다고 했어요 ㅠㅠ
학생이라고 얘기 했으니까 돈을 안받았어요 ㅎ 다행이네요 ^^
짐을 쌓만큼 챙기는 것도 너무나 힘들었어요. 집에 도착한지 4일이나 됐지만 어깨가 아직도 아파요 .
어디 갈때마다 무거운 짐을 챙기는게 재일 싫어해요. 4년동안 왔다갔다 하니까 지친점이도 너무 많아요 ㅎ
드디어 비행기 타고 좀 쉴 수 있을거라고 생각했지만 틀린 문으로 들어가서 모든 선님들이 앉을 때까지 저는 앉지도 못했어요.
너무 배고프고 힘이 없어서 그냥 홍차랑 크루아상 시켜먹었어요.
이즈미리 도착해서 쿠사다스까지 버스랑 1시간 걸려요. 더 이상 갈 힘이 없었지만 그래도 오랫동안 만나지 못했던 부모님 위해 힘을 마지막으로 냈어요 ㅎ
읽어주셔서 감사합니다 ^^
Mezun olup artık tatile de girdiğime göre kendi şehrime gitme vakti gelmişti.
Tezimi de tamamlamış tez kitabımı da bastırmıştım:)
Bütün eşyalarımı toplayıp uçağa binme gibi bir ihtimalim yok ben 4 senelik eşyalarımı toplayıp gitmeliydim ama uçak benden sadece 15 kg getirmemi istiyordu.
Bu sebeple bir çok şey atmak zorunda kaldım atamadıklarımıda kargoyla yolladım. Yine de havalananına geldiğimde 13 kg fazla eşyam vardı :(
Eşyaları toplamak yerleştirmek ayrı bir yorgunluk onları taşımak ayrı bir yorgunluk. Geleli 4 gün oldu ama çanta yüzünden ağrıyan omzumun ağrısı hala geçmedi .
Bir yere giderken en sevmediğim şeylerim başında gelir eşya taşımak .
4 senedir öğrenci hayatı sürdüğüm için 1 yılda en az 2 kez bu olayı yaşıyordum :( Umarım artık biraz daha rahat ederim.
Neyse konu yine farklı yerlere geldi :D Ben aslında size uçuşumu anlatacaktım .
Uçuşum çok erken saatte olduğu için ve taşıyacak çok fazla eşyam olduğu için aslında çok yoruldum ve acıkmıştım. Uçuş yaklaşık 1 saat sürüyordu.
Uçakta oturmam için verilen yer uçağın en arkasıydı.
Bende yanlışlıkla en önden girmiştim. ve tabikii elimde eşyalarla herkes yerlerine oturana kadar beklemek zorunda kaldım. Zaten yorgundum bunun üzerinede kendime sinirlendim :D İnmek istediğimi söyleyip arka kapıdan bineceğimi söyledim ama maalesef dediler bana :D
Uçaktan inip eve ulaşmak için otobüsle 1 saat uzaklıktaki yere gidecektim . Ama gücüm kalmamıştı :D
Bu yüzdende uçakta çay ve kruvasan sipariş ettim. Bulutların üzerinde çay keyfi yaptım diyemeyeceğim çünkü kolumu hissetmiyordum :D
Yine de ailemle uzun zaman sonra buluşacağım için bir an önce eve ulaşmak istiyordum :)

Congratulation again.
what are you gonna do now? find a job or to be a full time curator? :D
well, i think i will hard work for steemit :)
Im rooting for you. At least you know what you wanna do. 👍
Congratulations on your graduation and congratulations to return to the city where you live, but it is unfortunate that you have to throw away some valuables that you have, for so long you do but have become exiles. When you arrive at the airport it has happened otherwise with the luggage that you think of before. Really very unfortunate. Hope you can be together with relatives in celebrating your graduation. Once again congratulations on your graduation and hopefully the ideals you dreamed up so far you can easily achieve.
Best regards from aceh @fauzi86
Yes but i couldn't take all even i sent cargo :( but it is okay now I am with my family :) and Thank you so much for your comment :)
Glad to see it @fauzi86
You are welcome
nice its amazing vacation goodluck
Thank you so much :):)
Congratulations on graduating, must be great to see your family again whish you all the best of luck! I enjoyed reading, Great post and thanks for sharing your story!! I will follow you for more updates about your trip! STEEM ON!
oh Thank you so much I am very glad to hear you enjoyed my story :) I will try share more :)
good for rest now :D
i think you so tired hehe
yes :( Thank you so much :)
plz check steemit.chat
i don't know why but i can't open steemit.chat right now
okay not problem sis ..
you can check any time ..
thank for respone
these days steemitchat have problem . i will check your message after steemit.chat open
yes sis ..
thank you very much :D
Congrats on the finishing up with studies, time for something new :) What was your thesis about anyway?
Thank you so much . I just translated Korean author Eun Heekyung's '' Beauty Looks Down on Me '' Korean to Turkish and make dictionary Korean to Turkish :)
You must have enjoyed doing it :)
Haha its good for u to be hungry ,at least u will lose some weight :p
oh i don't want lose weight more :D
haha xD
مرحبا يوم سعيد اقصد مساء الخير لدينا الان ولكن يوم سعيد دائما عزيزتى
Followed! Your photos remind me the time when I was an exchange student in Seoul.
oh did you go to Korea for an exchange student ? i have been Korea for an exchange student too :D
Really!? I went there in Spring term and the cherry blossom there was stunning. Walking on the campus was like walking into scenes of K-drama.
haha yes but i really like Korean cherry blossom :)
nice pic...
Thank you
Thank you again
아무리 힘들어도 고향가면 그래도 좋죠? 엄마 아빠랑 좋은 시간 많이 보내세요
네 맞아요 힘든 거 쉬면 되니까 괜찮아요 ^^ 감사합니다
take care @baharoba
I will Thank you :)
your welcome lady @baharoba
Congratulation @bohabora,
Thank you :)
welcome @bahabora
다행이에요 무사히 고향에 도착해서 ㅎㅎ
피곤한 몸 얼른 쉬고 부모님과 좋은 날들 만드시길^^
네 집에 도착해서 너무 행복했어요 ㅎㅎ
네에 ^^ 감사합니다
But now you will feel easy...Because after exams I always felt easy and had a lot of fun... what your thesis about? hope you will enjoy now with your family at your home town...And many many congrats for your Graduation...
Translated Korean author Eun Heekyung's '' Beauty Looks Down on Me '' Korean to Turkish and make dictionary Korean to Turkish :)
Thank you
Thats really difficult thesis and need a lot of hard work... Whats your mother language Turkish or Korean?
My mother language is Turkish
Are you belongs to Korea...Means your Homeland (Nationality) is Turkey or Korea?
I am Turkish :) i have been studying Korean
Ok, Korean is difficult or easy language to understand? ...The writing form is like chines I think its too much difficult... And you are making dictionary.... it will make me crazy...
Tezi bitirmene sevindim, tebrik ederim.
Ama eve dönmene daha çok sevindim :D
Bende sevindim tezim için :) yetişmeyecek sanıyordum .
Congrats on your thesis! It looks like it took you a lot of effort!
Your post was too cute not to promote. I sent people your way and mentioned you in my last post!
100% vote applied
oh Thank you so much :) i just check the post right now :) so glad that you mentioned me :)
Happy traveller, terimakasih
Terima kasih :)
졸업하고 고향으로 돌아갔구나...ㅜㅜ
졸업은 끝이 아니라 이제 또다른 시작이며 언제 어디서나 노력하는 사람이 되길 바랍니다. 언제나 좋은 일만 있길 바라고 앞으로 기쁨과 행복이 있길 바랍니다
pleasant trip
Thanks for telling us this story of your life. Your printed thesis looks interesting!
So many pages. I wish you a nice time with your family.
As anonymous said home home sweet home;) enjoy your time before getting a job..it is the last exit before the bridge:)
Wow, its very well. Have a good week my friend. See you again :D
Merhaba @baharoba .. Hope you in good health. I hope you visit my blog. I have a first post about my galleries in Turkey, about my journey in Istanbul, it will be continue. :))
Congratulations a lot of success in your life and your career. Tebrikler