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RE: Was The Moon Landing Fake? Of Course It Was.

in #life7 years ago

It's not shitty, it's wrong, evil, bad. Yes some might not be smart enough to figure out that taxes are theft, but that doesn't make them good or decent, just stupid AND evil.

You don't know that nobody is 100% good, and even so that doesn't mean anything, it certainly doesn't mean we should excuse or marginalize their evil, because not everyone is 100% good, or because "they are people just trying to get by". Excusing evil acts doesn't make them right. Call me holier than thou, the point is that evil is evil, and wrong is wrong, and excusing people for being unquestioning or stupid or "because they are all just people" (unjust people is what you meant).


I guess I don't see the world in black and white like that...everything is grey...

That is totally true. Nice quote... but not self righteous good...right?!

What about a nurse or doctor?

They drug people for money. They get incentives to push new medications on people- like getting to go to all expenses paid vacations. And they pressure people to get vaccinated. A lot of care givers get paid through the state.

Hey- it is actually very refreshing to talk to someone so concerned with morals, values, and righteousness. It is good to be good and I agree with that...

I mean humble, honest good- not self-righteous "good"... contrarian... : )