@caaat I think that the most powerful thing that I've realized, especially when I'm feel sad, anxious, or depressed - is that it's temporary. And because it's temporary, it means that things can and will change.
I've also noticed that oftentimes, what I'm feeling in the moment can change. So if I'm feeling depressed or even fatigued, I can change that. The simplest way to do that is to start doing the things that I know make me feel better. One of those ways is through art, another way is by moving my body through exercise or dance... there's a lot of ways to change how you feel.
But I think the most important thing to remember is that you can. And when you remember and believe that, then you're much more likely to do those things, more often.
Thanks for reading my post! I'm glad you found it useful :)
This is true. Sometimes I think I’m doubting that I can and so I couldn’t. I need to always remember this. I’m following you for more of this. It will help e a lot if I’m always reminded by these truths because honestly, sometimes, I just forget. I subconsciously create my own false truth and believe it (only when I’m in that phase).
I agree, reminders are so important! Until you establish it as a habit (AKA a subconscious pattern) you need the little things to get your mind to think in the ways you want. I think forgetfulness is probably our greatest weakness. With so much stimulation in the world, it's just so easy to forget. BUT its also easy to set yourself up for success by simply leaving notes for yourself, choosing to affirm what you are, and reading literature / watching videos that embody those truths.
So glad to hear you're following my channel. I think it will help :)