Previous Episode:-
For the purposes of My Post , we will say that the Mustang above has a Lucas Battery in it!
So Chris and I are back in our home in Witpoortjie.
She cannot use her right arm much , still in plaster, her left hand has plaster holding the little finger straight. In addition limping due to cracked ankle.
My left arm still in a sling , have to keep it at 90%, Had skin removed off my right thigh for Grafts on my left arm.
My left thigh also had a bit of flesh Gauged out of it. My jaw has grown back a bit crookedly , so only 1 upper tooth and 1 bottom tooth actually touch . Much like a bus conductors ticket clipper , so all I do is put a hole in anything I try to chew ,
so liquid diet, and I have lost so much weight I have to sit on soft bed cushions on top of a couch!
Our kids , Wayne, Shakira and Geils are still farmed out to the family, and between the two of us , we can just about drive a car!
Very necessary as we have to go to physio 2 or 3 times a week.
As you would have gathered the Chance to play in a sponsored Band ( from number 7 in this series ) has gone up in smoke! ( for me)
The physiotherapist is considered to be very good and is trying hard to get rotation in my left wrist going, I tell him he is hurting me!
" Don't be a sissy" is his response . I pop in to Doctor Jannie l's rooms , he says, " the membrane in your left forearm is torn and the upper bone is just lying next to the other one. You will never have rotation again!"
I stop going to the Physiotherapist as everything else he is doing I can easily do myself, start swimming to get everything working as well as I can.
Lucas call me again, " When can you start?' Remember when I joined there were 3 of us, now just me, and the Guy I had trained to fix Battery Chargers, big Backlog again!
Lucas carried on paying me , but really, I was of no use to them , Caught a train in one day , Limped up from the Station to them,probably in excess of 2 kms.
One look at me and they realised I would not be back in a hurry.
Kids back with us, Need to go to Dentist as I require specially made plates so that I can eat again. Make appointment in Johannesburg. Geils, 3 years old, has never been on a Train, I am taking him with. Very excited, "Going on Chooka Train!" I can still only use my right arm.
The day arrives , Take Black Volkswagen Beetle Down to Station, realise it is a really hot day , park otherside the Main road under a Tree for shade ( no aircon in a beetle!)
wao its really informative

nice post
Haha, ok I'm imagining that Mustang has a Lucas battery :)
I've never tried a liquid diet before but I'm glad that you were able to live through it. It must be weird being pumped full of liquid to survive as you can't easily by yourself.
At least you have recovered and that membrane in your left forearm has been repaired.
I hope Geils is ok since that sounds really nasty.
Stay safe @awgbibb since you seem to have had a few pretty dangerous and scary times! :S
Thank You
Awesome car
I was busy in my real life so I have missed your classical experiences in last few days! Now again I am back and yeah reading those amazing stories again! Actually that's great, it's hard to get such high level details about the time that I was not born! And yeah I am lucky to decided to follow you! Coz now I can feel it!@awgbibb,
Thanks for sharing this great personal experience!
Pleasure, Thank You.
OMG! this is brutal and hard to read - how the hell did you live so long, @awgbibb? ..and poor little Geils hit by a car? Can it get worse? Sounds like you had a nice outing... LOL!!
My first thought was if the accident didnt kill you, Chris would!
OMG that is beyond horrible!!!
We need to get together to jam again, put some of songs on tape it's been too long.
It certainly has, I should have the facility ready in under a month, Electronic Drum Kit, etc.
I can only imagine. That took a a lot of teamwork.
This last crash at the end sounds horrendous - wondering what happened now.
Well, he has supplied Grandchildren!
tip! post
Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!
Thank You.
Oh, and what happened to the baby?
He has my Grandchildren.
Oh my goodness...look at the car 🚘🙀
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I always like and appreciate your all posts....
Upvoted and resteeemed...
Cheers!...Once again nice post with ggreat story from @awgbibb My dear friend @awgbibb
Thank You.
My Music Day 45 Happy Hardcore Classics!! Dune - Hand In Hand and follow if you like the content :)Check out the newest post from @rival:
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Thank You.
The physiotherapist is essential for your state to return to normal, I wish you a very soon restore, sorry for my english thank you for sharing,
This was in 1980
Such a story brakes the heart. be carefull.. Is life in South Africa always that dangerous..
I think we have more illegally licensed Drivers , than anywhere else.
Oh thats bad.. dangerous to drive..
that don't look good
be more careful take care buddy
take care of yourself!!
i know that feeling bro,thanks for sharing your experience here.
That is sad to hear :(
Great post and get well soon
very nice post
You did not read the end, did you?
Difficult story but you can improve yourself always :)
Thanks for share part of your life and content with us
Pleasure, Thanks.
Great post.
Be careful! All the best to you! you can share it and that's too enough.
Thank You.
Ohh man, that ending is tough.
It was Thanks.
I am very sorry about what happened dear friend @ awgbibb, besides the music, I also liked the speed, I had several sandboxes and a Ford cupe Taunus, more than 20 years ago I had a very serious accident, since that day I never drove a car.
You must take care of my dear friend.
I wish you a beautiful day
Thank You for telling me, My Friend.
Oh no!!!! I can't bear it!!!
It's OK
And....ohhhh so much spam! Please let me know what happened to Geils?
amazing my friend
upvoted !!
Did you read the end?
Great Chronicle Post
thank you for sharing
That Crash Though hurts
Yes it did.
@awgbibb please take care of yourself :)
That crash seems painful.
be careful, it such a sad story. illegal drivers are everywhere
Thank You.
@awgbibb sir your post tells that you love your passion but the story was really sad to read.
Thank you.
Dawm good story @awgbibb you are proved that you are an brilliant steemer
Company of 3 is always good and a life time friendship. They can be away for a period but can't be apart.. will pray you get company soon...
The story was sad to read
Thank You.
injuries are always annoying and make the injured person so sad and bored from setting at home or hospital all the day
I just wish you best of luck brolook bro @awgbibb, you don't need someone to tell you to take care of yourself because you are the most one who can care about yourself
Thank You.
I really like your posts
I will wait for your next post @awgbib :)
Thank You.
Be careful! All the best to you! And thanks for the post dear @awgbibb
Thak God you did survive and are able to steem ! Sad to read, but good you are still here ! All the best !
The Ford Mustang is my favorite car ever. The old one even though Shelby is pretty impressive too. Great post buddy, as always. :D
Good post . I like your posts . We love cars
Did you read it?
Very nice car @awgbibb
Did you read it?
Don't think about it anymore whats anyone think.. you can share it and thats
too enough.
you seem to following your passion :) but that was really sad to read.