A late night bro hangout with my Alma Mater Friends

in #life7 years ago


Hey Steemians!

It's not an everyday opportunity to hangout with old friends from school, at least not in my case. At 23 years of age, most of my peers are still in university. It's only on the rarest of occasions that I get to meet them. It's times like these when I feel like I was back in school again... Not that I'm missing old days, but it's a nice walk down memory lane if you know what I mean.


We met up and decided - at the very last minute, because the best social plans are made in the last minutes; to hang out in this "mamak" place. "Mamak" in South East Asian culture refers to people of Southern Indian Muslim descent, specifically the Tamil, whose forefathers embraced Islam as they migrate to South East Asia. Good for them, and good for us, because now I get to enjoy their unique cuisine. 😅😅.

If there's a Mamak drink i like above all else, it'd be the Lassi, Mango Lassi. To all of you here reading (thank you for that!), you're missing out if you've never tasted a Lassi before.


bad picture, but just to show you, the "juice" in the jar is of Lassi I'm drinking.

I'll let Wikipedia describe to you what it is, be warned. Description may cause mouth watering.

"Lassi is a popular traditional yogurt-based drink from the Indian Subcontinent. Lassi is a blend of yogurt, water, spices and sometimes fruit. Traditional lassi is a savoury drink, sometimes flavoured with ground and roasted cumin."

Lassi, in all its glory.. | Source

See.. Told you.

But anyways, I've gone a long Segway.. Back to the point.

We talked about everything we can talk about. From the customary "how's life" all to politics (no Malaysian hangouts are complete without talking about politics) and the what's the best new apps and more, I don't seem to recall.

With so much talk I got hungry.. So I ordered a "Mee Jawa", Java Noodle. Surprisingly, unlike the suggests, it's a dish of Malaysian origin! Maybe it's invented by the Javanese community in their stay in Malaysia.. Which kinda makes its confusing because is it really a Malaysian dish then? Do jus soli or jus sanguinis applies? And so happens that be one of our conversations!!

Yea, I noticed "Men talk" aren't the stereotypical gruntings of "who win sports, what's sexy" hooha... Our minds wonders to weird places... One of them happens to be nationality law. 😂😂

After what's seems a blink of an eye, it's 3am in the morning, with work the nest day. But it was fun tho!! I look forward to talking to them again. By the way I purposely did not mention "Steem" to them because

  1. Bro time
  2. Easy to show them the magic of Steem with a post about them with dolla signs ( don't mistake me!!! read my other posts if you think I'm in it for the money! 😤)

Thank you for taking you time to read this all to the end. I realise its not some fancy deep philosophical or opinion post. But if you like it. Do let know and you know how😉, you'd wanna make it possible for my above point no. 2 afterall right?? 😂😂

I'm @awesomianist

Stay Awesome!


This is the kind of appointment I love. Friends and alcohol, perfect. Have fun.

Alcohol? Hahaha I hope to have one with alcohol someday.

Mango Lassi! My first mango lassi was in Germany 😂 And i fell in love with it immediately 😂 Im sure it tastes much better here. I must try it.

And that Mee Jawa looks very appetizing. Where is this "mamak" place? I wanna try! 😂

If you're ever in Miri you should definitely contact me! I'll bring you around to try it out.

Yes i will! 😃

we drink Lassi all the time in summer here in India. Nice to see that you guys liked that too.
i am gonna find recipe of Mee Jawa.

Lassi is the best. Hahahaha the recipe is surprisingly easy to find. But the secret is in how someone makes it.

23 years old...you made me feel like an old old aunty...btw you guys were from St Joe? St Columba? I was a Kolej kid way back in the early 90s...yea...hehehe...I never visit Miri since I left school.

Fellow Kolejian here!! I was studying there for my STPM for a year and a half. What are the odds!! Altho I did my highschool in a Malay school, Dato Permaisuri.

And a hostel student no less! We're pretty much the same in that. It was quite a fun year and a half for me and made me discover myself. Kolej has that effect on the students there.

Aunty? What Aunty? On here we are as young as we wanna be😂😂😂.

I just got to upvote this post LOL what are the odds really! OMG this makes me smile...wooohoooo fellow Kolejian. I was there from 1990 till 1994 but didn't continue form 6. I was ambitious and flew to KL the year after to do my diploma and onward Down Under a couple of years later but had to change plans due to the economic downturn. Kolejians are smart kids, from back then till now - "OPTIMA, Disini Pemimpin DIlahirkan"- our school slogan LOL. But boy those 5 years in Kolej were literally the best years of my life. There are so many changes I heard but surprisingly NYONYA is still alive and well OMG she is ancient. She was already quite advanced in age back then and she is still there?? Haiyooo miss her ABC pisang...so many beautiful funny memories there. Someday I will come and visit. It really has been 23 years time really flies!! Btw Dato Permaisuri was Kolej arch enemy in football back then but they couldn't beat our team...we had the best players some even represented Sarawak in later years.

I was once 23 too... LOL... Time flies...
I have never been to Miri before...
And chatting with friends at a mamak all night long seems like college or U students or young people favourite activity... It's a great memory and I think everyone should experience this...

Nice photo with friends..upvoted and followed

Thanks for doing that! Moments with friends are always to be Cherished. Glad that you liked it.

the postings that are interesting, sanngat,
I've memfollow you @awesome! and resteem posting.
I hope you also follow me @blackbone and resteem my post.
good job !!!

It's but great to take sometime to unwind, restress ourselves from a long day.

You're absolutely right! Nothing wrong with that! There's no vice and no one was hurt, I'd say it's a pretty good thing I did. A short stop in the ever ongoing Hustle to a better life!

That is really big team...hangout together share each others..Accompanied with noodle, juice, coffees...that is very enjoy to do when hv spare time.

Well, it's just a small bunch of about 5 of us. The food certainly made the night more entertaining.