Own Up To Your Shit, Where Do You Need To Get Real?

Where in your life do you need to take a major look at it and get real with yourself? Getting real with yourself requires Acknowledgment without Self Judgement, just Awareness & Observation and seeing that:
- This is happening,
- You keep doing it
- You must make a change in order for it to change your life.
You can go through life on autopilot or you can face these situations head on and know there has to be a shift in your world 🌎. I wish I could tell you all the things in my life that I am aware of that I am working on creating new expansions in my life. Right now I am working on consistency, (especially with posting content) because without doing something everyday, do you really think its going to be a programmed thought inside your brain that allows you to just do it ? No, your body & your brain are not used to it. You must take little steps/actions everyday that help you remember this is what you are doing & why.
This can go for Relationships, Reading, Exercise, Health, Spending time in Nature, Writing, Depression, Money, Self love, etc. Literally anything that you have had a conversation with in your life where you are always telling yourself "This is where I must make changes or this is something I've gotta work on." Instead of just telling yourself that inside your head, Start actually taking the steps necessary to help you release your old habits and create new habits.
One major key I recommend from experience is to Be Gentle With Yourself, While Still Owning Up To Your Shit. You're not going to change in a day. It takes Practice, Patience & Persistence, knowing that you are making these new paradigms inside of your world!
So where in your life do you need to get more real and own your shit? Would love to hear what you are processing and working on in the comments below!! :)
www.facebook.com/BrieMarieA11Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware
you can leave a comment too and follow me too, have a nice night!great post , check this out for a sec: read this amazing post and leave your comment too: https://steemit.com/steemit/@pastorlea/here-are-the-characteristics-of-love
Thanks will definitely check it out!
Thank you @awakeliveaware!
Speaking to my SOUL, girl!
What my self talk has been about as of late.
And enjoying my process IN the process of gently owning up to my shit.
So much daily fun "work", reprogramming my entire way of thinking, feeling, BEing.
Best decision i have ever made, that is for damn sure!
Thank you for being this reminder to us allI love you, sweet Brie <3 @awakealiveaware
Haha so happy that you are doing the work! Its fun, can be sticky but so much fun to release and let go and create new!
Really true, it's time to be fully responsible for ourselves, and not blame the others or external factors for our uhappiness.
Keep doing your thing and you will get where you want to be.
yeaaaa yeah! Thanks :)
Well said! For me the area I need to work on is career, I have a big tendency to sell myself short because of lack of confidence.
mmm I have definitely been there as well! Glad you are working on this, I'm actually still in the process everyday of just pushing myself into my career even when its challenging or jumping over hurdles!
Yes love it Brie ! :) I agree, consistency is key. xoxo
thanks babe, so true! If I'm not consistent I fall through on everything
I think a lot of people just lie to themselves to get through. But we will never change and better ourselves if we don't own up to it as you say. I completely agree and these excuses or lies or whatever they really are just keeps us in that same ol' shit. I believe in always trying to better yourself and others. We cannot do this if we are stuck in our delusional world. Keep up the good work @awakealiveaware
mmm totally! Love the way you put that. the excuses keep us in the same ol' shit haha. Something Im working on because as I write this, there are still so many in my life I am releasing!
I am totally in the same boat. You aren't alone. Otherwise, how would I understand all that unless I suffer from it too.
Excellent post, lady.
Keep untraining and retraining that beautiful mind of yours!
Thanks so much love!! <3