In modern life, when free time becomes so expensive for each of us, and demands on the job are torn away almost all the forces, service novels are one of the few opportunities to diversify the work process and personal life. Sometimes they are built exclusively for the purpose of combining in an office format a pleasant one with a useful one. But the female nature is such that the desire to create a family sometimes prevails. And then (however, not as often as we would like), service novels end in an enchanting wedding.
Obviously, this form of relationship has two main objectives:
Establishment of new acquaintances (one or several, it will depend on your appetites and further plans);
an attempt to solve personal life without leaving the format of the labor process.
There is, of course, one more desire inherent in most women. While working in the service of pleasant acquaintances, a woman tries to check on the forces of her female spells selected for the role of "guinea pigs". Sometimes they are able to do in our lives, much more than just business qualities. Among such possible achievements can be attributed and marriage with its leader. Many young women who found a job dream about him and found that the director here is a respectable, successful man.
Among the obvious advantages of a service romance can be attributed to the general renewal, which can bring such a relationship to the collective. But this is only if they are based on positive feelings and have as their goal the construction of marriage. New, bright feelings give freshness to the whole atmosphere in the office or at the enterprise.