The Womb of Creation

in #life7 years ago

As a dying patient closes his or her eyes to the world around them, they enter deeply into themselves. Within each of us is a vast array of experiences moving us deeper and deeper into the realization just how sacred our lives are. I wrote the following poem to my female friends at Hospice. It contains elements of expressions you will hear me speak of in the contents of this article. The title of this poem is

The Heart of a Woman.

The heart of a woman flows

as a waterfall descending

like a torrent

down a steep mountain.

Plunging into an abyss

deeper and deeper

creating waves

expanding its inner tides

vibrating into being

the movements of a dance.

Flowing freely

through endless streams 

each vibration extends

into the heart of all.

This vast array of purity

anoints those entering its path

bathing in the Spirit of a Woman

whose heart reveals her soul.

Sam Oliver

In each of our lives, there are times when we want to close our eyes and enter into this womb like state. It is the desire to enter into the feminine spirit where we are blessed, seen as good, wanted, and loved. The feminine side of our being creates a sense of being cared for that the world around us cannot. When we enter into her presence, we are entering into wisdom and creation. Any work of art, manuscript, play, or movie is created out of the feminine spirit's intent to bring into manifestation the deepest longings of a person's soul. She does not do this with conditions. The conditional world is the world around us we seek to find our identity. Yet, to really know who we really are requires the intent to seek out what cannot be seen. As we enter into the world of insight, the ability to see from within, we are entering into this wisdom that created us.

The Feminine aspect of our Creator moves us into the world of contemplation. Our ability to be aware of our awareness is a tremendous gift. When we witness and feel the privilege of being fully human, we are given the opportunity to experience our spirit in flesh and in blood. We are given an opportunity to experience the created order of our Creator continuing to draw us into our natural state of who we really are. Babies entering into the world through the womb of creation offer a level of insight into bliss and the experience of connectedness to a greater birth taking place beyond the physical aspect of birth. For within every birth lies a mother and a father whose participation with the feminine spirit forever alters their identity.

In a real way, a new mother and father are transformed. He or she will never think the same again. And, living to meet one's own needs no longer becomes possible on the deepest levels of our being. I have been fortunate to encounter the feminine spirit, in a deep way, with my son Luke and my daughter Emilee's birth. They are precious beings to me and inspire me to become a better person every day. Presently, Luke and Emilee are in their early teens. They have innocence about them that helps me remember my place in the world as a child - a child of the Creator who I call God. My children touch me in places of my heart that help me identify with my natural state to trust an inner knowing inside me. It is my identification with life that transcends all the appearances of this world. This life inside me is eternal and far more real than anything I will ever encounter in this world. All that comes into being moves through this spacial conscious awareness inside us, it is the womb of creation. The feminine spirit brings forth life from nothingness. She has the capacity to give hope to the blind, set free the captives of his or her mind and emotions, inspire great things from ordinary people like you and me, and give us the courage to see through the veil of death, and into, eternal life. Sooner or later, each of us will take this path. It is a journey that will lead us into the heart of God.

Samuel Oliver, author of, "What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living" 

For more on this author: 


We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

- Winston Churchill