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RE: Winter Is Coming

in #life6 years ago

Wait..... you have some weird crypto money? Why didn't anyone tell me... I would have been so much nicer to you.... Have I told you that you're handsome beyond belief? A king amongst hobbits?

Ugh. That's exhausting... forget that, you can keep your weird internet magic money... there's a more important reason why you can't just move off to Spain... don't worry about the children, they don't have the finances to follow you or the skills to hunt you down... the reason you can't go is the same reason I can't go... our very skin betrays us.

You, me and Daz will be lobsterfied in minutes...
No man should be forced to live in a country where the very air hates him.


Sun cream!! Sun cream!! Its the answer and if that is the only reason then we are onto a winner!

Come and join us. We can all Spain it together with out magic weird internet crypto money!