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RE: Sleep State Explained - Why do we Sleep? 😴

in #life8 years ago

I dreamed a lot from the age 12 to 16 And I figured out that dreams also work in a sense as therapy for events if that makes sense.

Quite normal to have vivid, strange et.c dreams during puberty. Its a hormonal thing (and part stress related) ... if you wanna collect some crazy azz dreams just ask pregnant women.

For me dreaming is quite simple. If im beat down tired i usually sleep like the dead - I dont remember them. If for any reason im not that tired or maybe im at the ends of my sleep/sleep is more light (morning hours) i usually remember everything. Of course if you waited for my rem phase to start and woke me after i would prolly remember it too. At some point I even recollected up to 4-5 dreams per night.

Stating you have no rem phase is...well... I suggest you try filming yourself at night. When your eyes start moving ure in it. You just don't remember them. Studies (on mice tho) showed that their rem got longer when during their day they learned something new. So the more you expand and tax your brain during they day...the longer is the process. As they say: dreaming is universal, but dream recolection is not.

And i know from my personal experience that dreams can get affected with inputs from outside (sound, touch, etc.).


True but Dreams or what i call experiences do not just occur because of rem sleep.
I do just as any other enter into a non physical zone so that i can fuel my body for lack of better word so that i can continue to exist in a dense environment without going crazy.

but i rarely maybe 1-5 times a year have some experience going on. and i actually spoke to many other people before of all ages who said they "dream" less aswell. So i know I'm a very aware individual so if i were to have any kind of experience during the night i would know. So whatever is going on at this time within the aspects of people Sleeping/Dreaming at night something is affecting that.

And i think it could be the sun but not sure entirely sure.
Some people even are saying the sun is extremely calm and when i say we are in a Solar Max cycle they think im crazy but you'll see the sun is gonna go crazy in the next years ;)

Thanks for sharing your perspective @atopy :) and next time i see a pregnant woman i'll ask! :D