As you say: more than checking out it is admiring.
I am not surprised by what you are saying on which way most of the rapes happen in Dehli, and my point wasn't to deny the existing problems of sexual misconducts. They are here, in New Delhi but also everywhere.
Which brings me back to your anwer: how do you know how to respect the opposite sex if you haven't been taught to do so? How do you canalise this energy that seems to be so instictive and animal and see the other side of it in its pure beauty if all what you have witnessed around you have always been animals trying to fulfill their crave?
It is not impossible for people to have a humanist touch in the middle of savagery and to realise that considering a beautiful body as a piece of meat is wrong for whoever is living through this body, but when the norm is to follow quite primitive pulsions then it is harder to take a step back and see the humanity in the object we are checking out.
So yes, you are totally right: education is one of the keys in mutual respect. Not the only factor, but one of the most important ones.